C38 - Sigh of Snow Girl

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"Is this guy even human?"

Han Xuemei gazed at the leaderboard, her stunning features etched with astonishment.

It was beyond her wildest dreams that Xie Yang would catch up in such a manner.

He had even outpaced Jin Haocan.

The rate at which he was scoring was simply inconceivable!

A tidal wave of urgency crashed over Han Xuemei.

She had pegged Lian Xia, Yun Ye, and Jin Haocan as her only real competition.

Yet now, Xie Yang appeared to be a far more formidable contender than any of them.

With two hours remaining in the assessment, if Xie Yang kept up this pace, clinching first place was inevitable.

"No, I need to pick up the pace too!"

Han Xuemei bit her lip, her eyes blazing with resolve.

"Come on, let's keep hunting. We're not falling behind those guys!"

The Steel Striped Dragon let out a roar, its head thrown back.


Han Xuemei wasn't the only one feeling the heat; Lian Xia was acutely aware of the daunting pressure emanating from Xie Yang.

Determined not to be outdone, he quickened his hunting speed.

"Damn it!"

Yun Ye's eyes were glued to the leaderboard.

The one he had dismissed as worthless was now hot on his heels, a mere thirty points behind.

Though his disdain for Xie Yang had gone unwitnessed, Yun Ye's pride was stung, and he was seething with shame.

"You think you can overtake me? In your dreams!"

With a scoff, Yun Ye and his Iron-armored Dragon Snake ventured deeper into the forest.

He was intent on proving that he wouldn't be bested by some lowly commoner from a small town!

From a distance, a booming sound rumbled like thunder.

Xie Yang halted, turning towards the noise.

"A third-rank ferocious beast?"

His eyebrows lifted, and he strode towards the commotion.

"Let's check it out."

Jennie promptly agreed, staying close by Xie Yang's side.

Before long, Xie Yang reached the source of the disturbance.

What he found was a clearing in disarray, the site of a fierce battle.

One of the combatants was a creature resembling a humanoid bush, bristling with thorns.

It bore some resemblance to a Wilted Beast, but its body was a lustrous gold, gleaming brilliantly in the sunlight.

"This is a Gold Wilted Beast!"

Xie Yang recognized the formidable creature before him.

The Gold Wilted Beast was an evolved version of a Wilted Beast, capable of reaching the fifth layer of the third rank in strength once it reached maturity.

The one in front of him was clearly fully grown.

Opposite it was a Poison Vine Demon pet.

Its master, a young man, stood a short distance away, watching the confrontation with an anxious expression.

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