C5 - Challenge Difficulty

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The next day, after breakfast, Xie Yang and Bai Tian set out for the Beastmaster Association, accompanied by two other classmates. They agreed to meet at the entrance of their neighborhood.

The day was sweltering, and within minutes of waiting, a thin sheen of sweat coated their foreheads. Glancing at a nearby supermarket, Xie Yang said to Bai Tian, "Hold on here for a sec. I'm going to grab some water."

Bai Tian responded with a dutiful, "Okay."

Shortly after Xie Yang departed, two radiant young women approached from a distance. "Shuqin, Xinrui, over here!" Bai Tian called out.

Moo Shuqin, breathless from the run, apologized, "Sorry, Tian. Did you wait long?"

"It's Xinrui's fault for oversleeping—that's why we're late!"

The other girl, her fair skin complemented by a pinkish-grey floral dress, cheeks flushed, offered her excuse, "I couldn't fall asleep until 4 a.m. last night."

Moo Shuqin shot her a look. "Are you really that anxious about the Apprentice Qualification Assessment?"

Zou Xinrui mumbled, "It's different for me. You and Tian are so talented; you're sure to pass, but I might not."

When Moo Shuqin kept giving her the eye, Xinrui quickly added, "I'm sorry, okay? I'll make it up to you with ice cream later." That seemed to mollify Moo Shuqin.

"Tian, where's your brother? Isn't he coming with us to the Beastmaster Association?"

"He's off buying water," Bai Tian replied.

Moo Shuqin nodded, then, struck by a sudden thought, asked, "Tian, I heard Di Feng confessed his feelings for you yesterday. Is that the real deal?"

Zou Xinrui chimed in eagerly, "Really?"

With a hint of exasperation, Bai Tian confirmed, "Yes, it's true, but I turned him down. He's got a girlfriend from another high school. He thought he could keep it a secret and play both sides."

"I never would've pegged Di Feng as that type of guy."

"Total jerk!"

Both Moo Shuqin and Zou Xinrui were visibly upset by the revelation.

At that moment, Xie Yang had finished purchasing water and was walking back toward us. Bai Tian noticed and quickly introduced him, "This is my brother, Xie Yang." She then gestured to the two girls and added, "And these are my good friends, Moo Shuqin and Zou Xinrui."

"Nice to meet you, Xie Yang," Moo Shuqin and Zou Xinrui said, offering friendly smiles.

Xie Yang passed the water bottles to the three girls. With a warm smile, he said, "We're all about the same age. Feel free to just call me by my first name."

The girls nodded in agreement, still smiling.

"We should head out," Bai Tian suggested. "The Beastmaster Association is close by; we can easily walk there."

Her suggestion was met with unanimous approval, and the group set off toward the Beastmaster Association.

Along the way, the three girls quietly discussed the upcoming Apprentice Qualification Assessment.

"Tian, have you decided which level of difficulty you're going to attempt?" one of them asked.

"I'm aiming for the higher level," Tian replied confidently.

"That's impressive. I'm not that brave, so I'm going for the lower level," admitted another.

"I'm with you on the lower level. I'm not setting my sights too high; passing is good enough for me," the third girl chimed in.

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