C3 - Achievement

56 1 0

"What an incredible effect!"

Xie Yang was a bit taken aback by the surprise.

His Soul Strength had more than doubled after the increase.

The average Soul Strength for this year's college entrance exam candidates was a mere 0.9, while his had soared to 1.8.

"At Lakeshell High, it seems the highest Soul Strength among the students is only 1.8."

A Beastmaster's prowess is intimately tied to their Soul Strength.

The greater the Soul Strength, the more formidable and numerous the pets a Beastmaster can contract.

Soul Power grows as Soul Strength increases.

Summoning pets for combat or executing Soul Techniques depletes Soul Power.

In a way, a Beastmaster's talent is essentially their Soul Strength.

"180 points of Soul Power should be enough to keep a second-rank pet active in the outside world for eight hours."

Xie Yang nodded contentedly and turned his attention to the achievement points.

As indicated by the system, achievement points could be used to enhance a pet's Growth Point.

Xie Yang concentrated on the pet panel. Instantly, a plus sign materialized next to the Growth Point.

He decided to give it a click.

The Growth Point shot up from 23.48% to 24.48% in a flash.

Simultaneously, his achievement points dropped by one.

"Does one achievement point correspond to a 1% increase in Growth Point?"

Without hesitation, Xie Yang boosted the Growth Point to 100%.

Name: Little Snowball

Element: Ice

Rank: First rank, second layer

Growth Point: 100%

Skill: Frost Breathing

The next evolutionary form on the Queen's Route was the Ice Crystal Soul. Requirements: 100% Growth Point, 20 lower-level Ice Element Essences, and one Soul Jade.

As a pet's Growth Point rises, so does its power level.

The extent of power increase varies from pet to pet.

"It only advanced a minor rank. That's disappointing."

"Classifying Little Snowball as a Level F pet isn't a mistake."

Xie Yang shook his head, but his spirits quickly lifted.

"Now, all I need are the lower-level Ice Element Essences and the Soul Jade."

"I'll head home to get some money, then hit the pet store tonight."

Xie Yang glanced at Little Snowball.

Sensing his thrill, Little Snowball chirped softly, glided over to Xie Yang's shoulder, and affectionately nuzzled him.

"I never realized your true potential was so immense," Xie Yang said, patting Little Snowball on the head.

Little Snowball chirped joyfully in response.

Xie Yang chuckled, then after a brief pause, he stowed Little Snowball away and resumed his journey.

Before long, he arrived back at his residential complex.

The house, purchased by his parents before their passing, was somewhat dated, yet its location and surroundings were quite decent.

Reborn to Be A Beast MasterWhere stories live. Discover now