C32 - Could It be a Humanoid Pet Beast??

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As soon as Di Feng finished speaking, the others in the room couldn't help but show odd expressions on their faces.

Di Feng noticed their looks and assumed they were skeptical of his claims.

He hastened to clarify, "I'm telling the truth, I haven't deceived you!"

Moo Shuqin, ever the spirited one, concocted a sly plan upon hearing his words. Feigning curiosity, she inquired:

"Why are you so interested in that person?"

"Just curious," Di Feng replied.

But as Moo Shuqin squinted at him, Di Feng quickly elaborated:

"Besides, we might end up as classmates at Nightbay Academy. Getting to know him early could help me make a new friend."

His last remark clearly betrayed his actual intent, and Bai Tian along with the rest caught on at once.

Moo Shuqin smirked and teased, "Look at you, all eager. You haven't even passed the entrance exam, yet you're already planning to befriend your future classmates."

"I like to be prepared," Di Feng responded, unfazed by her comment.

With a confident smile, he boasted, "I'm not just talking big. I've familiarized myself with the strongest candidates here at the hotel."

To back up his claim, Di Feng scanned the room and gestured towards a young man nearby.

"See that guy over there? His name is Jin Haocan from Farbay. He's a renowned prodigy from a local high school and passed the higher-level Apprentice Assessment two months ago. He owns a Poison Vine Demon, a dual-type plant and poison pet, at the impressive level of third rank, second layer."

"And that striking girl, her name is Han Xuemei from Cavebell City, another well-known genius. She cleared the Apprentice Assessment with flying colors. Her pet is a Steel Striped Dragon, combining Steel and Dragon Elements, at the third rank, third layer."

"That's Lian Xia from Steelhallow City."

Di Feng rattled off the details of three individuals, demonstrating an impressive knowledge of their pets' types and levels. Xie Yang and the others exchanged glances, taken aback by his extensive intel.

Zou Xinrui, snapping out of her astonishment, couldn't help but exclaim, "I never imagined there'd be so many with third rank pets."

"It's not the case," Di Feng said, shaking his head. "From what I know, among this year's candidates, only five possess a third-rank pet, and the prodigy from Lakeshell City is one of them."

Bai Tian and the other two girls finally caught on. Clearly, a third-rank pet was a formidable companion, which explained why so few examinees had one. They couldn't help but glance at Xie Yang with excitement.

"Xie really is impressive; he's ranked in the top five out of five thousand candidates!"

Di Feng missed the girls' subtle reactions, his attention fixed on Xie Yang. "Now, can you tell me about that person?"

The girls couldn't contain their laughter any longer. Di Feng looked puzzled. "Did I say something funny?"

Moo Shuqin waved her hand, suppressing a giggle. "You wanted to meet that person, right?" She gestured towards Xie Yang. "The genius who aced the Super Difficulty Apprentice Assessment is him."

Shock registered on Di Feng's face as he stared at Xie Yang. It took a moment for him to recover, his expression turning sheepish. He had been bragging about his knowledge of gifted students from all over, yet he hadn't recognized Xie Yang, who was right in front of him. How embarrassing.

Reborn to Be A Beast MasterOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz