C9 - The Assessment Began

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The crowd instantly erupted into a buzz of excitement.

Every gaze was glued to the screen, anticipation palpable in the air.

The leap in difficulty from one assessment level to the next was staggering.

Yet, the rewards for those who succeeded were equally breathtaking.

Students who conquered the superior grade challenge saw their Soul Strength quintuple compared to those who managed the lower grades.

And that wasn't even counting the additional perks like enhanced physical strength, boosted Growth Points for a chosen pet, and unlocking a second pet slot.

But securing such prizes was akin to reaching for the stars.

"Look at all those rewards for the superior grade!"

"It's incredibly tempting!"

"I wish I could pass the superior grade assessment."

"Get real. You'd be lucky to clear the lower grade."

The crowd buzzed with chatter.

Moo Shuqin and Zou Xinrui gazed longingly at the superior grade's lavish rewards.

Yet, they both knew such achievements were beyond their reach.

"It's such a shame. I can't even dream of the superior grade, but I'd settle for passing the higher level."

"Exactly. If I could just get through the higher level assessment, I'd unlock the second pet slot."

They sighed in unison, the weight of their aspirations heavy in the air.

Undoubtedly, the number of pets was a crucial factor in a Beastmaster's prowess.

Securing a second pet could elevate someone above ninety percent of their peers.

But for them, even the intermediate level was a lofty dream, let alone the higher level.

Only Xie Yang and Bai Tian stood a chance at that tier.

Qin Ai then offered his counsel, "Before you decide on the level of challenge, I urge you to consider my advice."

"This assessment will shape your future. Choose a level that aligns with your abilities, and approach it with the utmost caution."

"Don't overreach and squander this valuable chance."

Murmurs swept through the crowd, a mix of resolve and doubt.

Despite prior contemplation, many still wavered at the moment of truth.

Xie Yang remained the picture of serenity.

As Qin Ai's words faded, he decisively slammed his finger down on the 'superior grade' inscription on the bronze plate, his resolve unshaken.

Bai Tian had been closely watching Xie Yang's every move. She caught this moment and her eyes widened in shock.

"Brother!" she blurted out in surprise.

Moo Shuqin and Zou Xinrui were drawn by Bai Tian's outburst. They too were taken aback when they saw the bronze plate in Xie Yang's hand, indicating his choice.

The 'superior grade' indicator was glowing.

"Xie, you chose the 'superior grade' difficulty?" They were speechless.

They had seen Xie Yang's formidable power in his battle with Yin Tian.

Yet, they never imagined he could tackle the 'superior grade' challenge.

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