C33 - Everyone Looked at Him Differently

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Xie Yang showed no mercy to those who dared to confront Bai Tian. He zeroed in on their vulnerabilities, aiming for sensitive spots like faces and nerves, intent on incapacitating his opponents swiftly. His efforts yielded impressive results.

More than a dozen boys now lay on the ground, clutching their wounds and wailing in pain, their earlier bravado completely shattered.

"What's going on here?" A middle-aged man approached, his face etched with anger. He was a teacher from Nightbay Academy, assigned to oversee the hotel accommodations for visiting students. He hadn't anticipated that his first day would involve a report from the hotel staff about a student brawl. Frustrated, he had hurried to the scene.

The sight that greeted him was unexpected: one person had taken down more than a dozen?

"What happened here?" he asked Xie Yang, his face expressionless.

Xie Yang, still standing while the others lay moaning on the ground, hadn't even opened his mouth when Bai Tian stepped forward. Pointing at the prone figures, he declared, "They started it!"

"That's right!" Moo Shuqin and Zou Xinrui chimed in, backing up Xie Yang.

"They were trying to take advantage of Bai Tian!"

"They resorted to insults when we stopped them. That's when Xie couldn't hold back any longer!"

The middle-aged man's brow furrowed as he surveyed the scene: three poised girls and a group of boys on the ground, many of whom quickly looked away when his gaze met theirs. It didn't take long for him to piece together what had transpired.

Still, he refrained from passing immediate judgment and instead summoned the hotel staff, instructing them to review the corridor's surveillance footage. Once the video confirmed that it was indeed the boys who had instigated the altercation, the middle-aged man fixed them with an irate glare.

"Which school do you belong to?" he demanded.

The boys mumbled, too intimidated to respond.

With a dismissive snort, the middle-aged man pulled out his phone and began dialing.

Moments later, he set his phone aside and approached Xie Yang with a stern look. "I've notified their school about their actions today. They'll face consequences for their behavior," he said gravely.

"Also, even though they instigated the fight, you were still involved. You're not without fault. Go back to your room and reflect on what happened."

Moo Shuqin bristled at his words, ready to argue, but Bai Tian quietly held her back.

The middle-aged man's criticism of Xie Yang seemed harsh, but in reality, he was shielding him. He asked Xie Yang to reflect but imposed no further punishment. The outcome was quite favorable.

As a teacher, he couldn't overlook the involvement in a brawl. Xie Yang understood this and accepted the directive with a calm demeanor.

"What's your name, and which school do you attend?" the man inquired.

"I'm Xie Yang, from Lakeshell High," he replied.

"You're Xie Yang?" The man seemed taken aback, having heard of him before.

After scrutinizing Xie Yang, his stern expression softened, and a smile emerged. "So you're Xie Yang. I knew about your Beastmaster talents, but I didn't expect your fighting skills to be so formidable. You truly are a genius."

His tone was now markedly different from the official one he had used earlier. Bai Tian and the others exchanged puzzled glances, while Xie Yang appeared contemplative.

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