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"You know you're going to be late for work right—"

"I'm supposed to be going in late—"

"For what—"

"Jiseok." She looked in the mirror of their bathroom. Meeting eyes with the one man who's hands had fallen against her waist from behind. Dressed in that dress shirt and slacks he'd attire more often that not as he watched his wife finish putting on her earrings.

"My meeting this morning got canceled." She turned around in his grasp. Holding back every ounce of that want to hold nothing more than pure irritation in her tone. Because the woman couldn't stand being questioned. Having held that tension so subtle with the man after that single argument the two had gotten into.

Yet the man didn't speak. Didn't do anything more than look at the one woman who he knew. Knew never cared to press him. To fight. To hold that expression that'd carry so much silent annoyance within it as he did no more than voice out that deep I'll see you later then, huh, in which he watched his wife nod. Slipping out of his hold ever so quickly as she did so, despite hearing that scoff so quiet underneath the man's breath.

However, still she took hold of her things. Not in the mood to do so much as start that argument she knew didn't need to happen.

"Don't forget, Jitae, has a dentist appointment after school." She didn't hear anything back. Leading to the woman scoffing underneath her own breath without a single kiss goodbye to the one man who she didn't care. Didn't care to show that she was irritated. Irritated by him questioning her.

However, it was then that the girl realized how much time she had. Allowing for her to stop by the one place she knew that he would be at. It being the one man who she could see laughing with the one girl he had introduced her to ever so innocently.

"Would you like to go with me to dinner tonight?"

"I-I would but I can't." She didn't hear those bells from the door go off. Too focused on the one man who she had found herself speaking to more and more with after having slept with the man. Whether that be texting him during the day or before the two would go to bed. Or whether that be answering his calls, only to feel her heart pound upon his name coming across her screen. Because she liked him. Liked him more than she'd realize at times.

Yet it was then that she just barely glanced at the front counter. Making the girl instantly snap out of it, in which she couldn't help but instantly apologize to the one woman who Jimin took notice of the second he met her eyes.

"Miju." He already had that smile on his face, despite her own subconsciously falling the second she had caught him with her. Having noticed how much the girl liked him the second she could do so much as meet her.

"It's late—"

"I know, my husband made sure to remind me of that." She smiled over at the man. The same man who came from behind that counter, only to give the woman that hug so gentle. Remembering every time he'd come into their bedroom when coming home from work, only to walk over to the one girl he'd always kiss before taking hold of her body in that hug so tight. Followed by that smiled I missed you today, from the one man she didn't realize how many parts of him she remembered.

"I just thought I'd stop by since I had time—"

"L-Let me get you something then—"

"N-No, I'm fine—"

"Euni." His eyes were already set on the one girl who couldn't help but watch the man speak to her. Even if it was then that he caught her attention. Coming back behind that single counter, only to whisper out that soft will you get her one of the new things to try for me, please, in which the girl was quick to nod over at him with that smile. And it was Miju who could see. See a change in the way he was looking at the girl who his eyes lingered on long enough to let Miju know. Know something had happened between the two.

Goodbye - Jimin [18+]Where stories live. Discover now