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"Mrs. Yoon." She didn't hear that voice. Didn't see the woman standing there in the doorway of her office. Holding nothing more than her phone in hand as she read that single text message she had saw come across her screen, yet that she ignored until she could get to work the next day.

"Mrs. Yoon—"

"I-I'm sorry." It was then that her head shot up. Looking over at the one woman who watched as she placed that phone face down onto her desk, only to meet her eyes in that manner so softly heavy.

"They're calling you in for a meeting—"

"Just one second—"

"Mrs. Yoon—"

"I promise. . . I just need to do something." That earned a sigh from the woman. The same woman who only let out that quick, 5 minutes, in which Miju instantly took back hold of her phone. Looking at that single message sent from him that she had seen come across her screen while at dinner. Causing every bone in her body to fall numb upon the message the second the thing could do so much as buzz against the table. Earning that quick glance down at the screen from her husband who she had waited to say something, despite him continuing to eat. There was no contact name attached to the number.

And with those fingers fingers hovered above the keyboard, all that came were those set of words she typed. Telling the man just what day worked. And just what time she could meet him.

Yet it was then that she listened to that phone buzz almost instantly. Making the woman take hold of the thing the second she had even done so much as gotten to her feet, in which she read that message that he had sent back ever so quickly.

"Works for me if it works for you. . ." She could practically see him smiling in her head as she read the message. Knowing just how playfully cheesy the man used to be with her. Wanting to make her annoyed, despite the woman only giggling to herself at the message.

However, it was then that she caught herself. Caught herself instantly going to message back, despite stopping the second she went to begin typing. Having been able to feel that sudden rush of excitement fill her veins, in which she couldn't help but stop. Feeling a feeling she once felt every time she'd message the man. Counting down the seconds to the next time she'd get to see him. To give him kisses. To earn his arms around her frame the second she gives him that hug all too tight. Because the woman had been so in love. And she showed it. Showed every inch of it.

However, she wasn't that same young girl infatuated with a man who had been the first person she had felt such things towards. Yet was completely grown and living a life she couldn't afford getting caught up and distracted by, in which she immediately shifted back into that version of herself she had created and carried so well. Too well.

And so, she forced herself to go. Having dropped her phone into the drawer of her desk, only to push the thing shut, in which she made way to that single room that she had sat in for longer than she'd like. Barely able to even pay attention to that meeting upon those endless thoughts in her head. Hating how consumed she was by the thought of him. Because then she'd think about her husband. Her husband being the same man she was beginning to shy away from at times. And her husband being the same man who came up from behind her the next morning with those hands so heavy upon her waist.

"Where is it you're going? Huh?" She could feel his presence. Holding no more than her body from where she stood putting on her jewelry. Making the woman simply finish, before turning around in his grasp just enough to meet his eyes that were all too heavy upon her own.

"To see some old friends—"

"Old friends—"

"You don't know them—"

Goodbye - Jimin [18+]Where stories live. Discover now