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It took another 5 years for me to move on. Move on from the past. Move on from the fact that you died. And it wasn't until I actually smiled naturally with someone did I realize that I had. That I wasn't forcing myself to feel happy. That I wasn't comparing every aspect of them to you.

"I love you." I didn't think I'd be so shocked to hear someone say that to me.  Because all I could remember in that moment was when you had said it to me. But I forced myself to not think of you. To not feel guilty. To not pull away because I felt like it was all a betrayal.

So, I let him make me feel like you made me feel. I let him distract me. I let him become who you were to me.

"Jiseok!" It was hard to not think about you. To not remember what we would do when I would do it with him. Like the way I'd kiss him. Or the way I'd yell his name. However, this was what I knew you wanted. Because you had always wanted to live.

Goodbye - Jimin [18+]Where stories live. Discover now