Chapter 17

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   I was thankful for the garage door still being open as I sped down the driveway, not caring about not having my seatbelt on. I only had one goal and that was to get the fuck away from him. I didn't even know where I was going and I didn't care, I just wanted to put as much distance as I could between us..

  Not long after I saw a humanoid figure hightailing it towards the car from the side view mirror. I screamed in horror as my already fast beating heart felt like it wasn't even beating anymore, because of how fast it was thumping in my chest. I knew it was him instantly, but he wasn't in his human or wolf form. This was something else entirely, and I knew what it was. It was his Lycan form.

  It was like his human and wolf form merged together to create this terrifying creature. He had a wolf head baring his teeth as his mouth seemed to turn upwards into a sinister smile. His abs were on full display because he didn't have a shirt on and barely any pants because they ripped a bit, not being able to contain the bulky muscular size of his legs. In place of human feet were the hind legs of his wolf and the same goes for his arms as fur sprouted from them.

  I was screwed and I knew it. My vision started to blur with tears at the thought as he wasn't in my rear side view mirror anymore meaning that he was either in front of me or in the forest beside me. I knew better than to think I had lost him, because I experienced his inhuman speed multiple times firsthand. A sudden feeling of dread took over as I knew he was hunting me like the prey that I was.

  Actually come to think of it he could've stopped me from locking the door but he didn't. He took his time on purpose toying with me because he knew that I'd run from him. I slowed down to a stop getting out of the car with there still being no sign of him, but I knew he was there, lurking somewhere watching me.

  The only thing I could do now was plead with him to forgive me. This was one of the stupidest things I had done in my life and It reminded me of the movie Pinocchio, when he had skipped school to go with some human trafficking organization and his conscience Jiminy cricket told him not to. I really needed a Jiminy cricket in my life because my conscience wasn't doing its job right.

  "Calix please. I just want to go home, to my own house. I promise I won't neglect your feelings anymore and we can start over." I begged as I looked in all directions desperately trying to find him but no luck. There were nothing but trees all around and just a road ahead surrounded by trees, but I knew he could hear and see me.

  "Calix!." I screamed because he was really starting to scare me. Did I make the wrong decision getting out of the car? Suddenly I heard a frightening growl from behind me only mere inches away and it shook me to my core. I heard him coming closer but the fear inside of me wouldn't let me turn around as his clawed hands wrapped around me from behind holding me in place.

  "You know you don't have to yell, mate. I can hear you just fine, even if you're whispering. But, I would love to hear you scream my name when I make love to you later on." He said in a mischievous tone not even sounding like himself anymore as his voice dropped a few octaves lower.

  "What do you mean later on?" I asked trying to control the fear in my voice, but failing miserably. "You didn't think I'd let you get away with running from me did you? Speaking of, are you done already?" He asked as he laughed darkly, mocking me.

  "Yes." I told him as he rested his head on top of my own. He laughed a sinister laugh and asked, "Why did you give up so soon love?"

  "I just decided to give up and try to work things out with you." I said as I shakily ran my fingers over the back of his extended ones trying to make it sound believable and lessen the punishment that I was bound to receive. He hummed in response as he pressed his body into mine, especially his bottom half.

  "I hope for your sake that's true because I'm not holding back with you anymore." He said releasing his hold on me and I slowly turned around and looked at him. I felt the heat rise to my cheeks at seeing him in his human form shirtless with his abs and muscles on full display. He was almost completely back to his human form except for his clawed hands, I noticed that they were always the last to revert back.

  "Amani?" He asked as he grabbed my hand carefully walking me back to the car. "Yes Calix?" I asked as I looked up at him meeting his darkened gaze. "The next time you run from me and I find you and trust me I will always find you, I will fuck you into oblivion and mate you by force." He said darkly. Yeah, he was pissed.

  "Do you understand?" He asked to which I gave a curt yes as he opened the car door for me to get in. I was going to need therapy after this because I was starting to think that the things he was saying to me were normal and okay when they weren't, I thought to myself as I got in the car. He got in the driver's side and drove back to his house.

  He parked the car, got out and opened my door helping me out of the car. He unlocked the door with his fingerprint and held the door open for me to go inside. The room was tall and it had double staircases leading up to the second floor, black lounge couches with a table in the middle and a huge flat screen aligning the walls.

  "You're free to decorate our home however you'd like." He said as he hung his keys up on the wall rack. "I'm not really an expert when it comes to decorating the home, so I'll leave that part up to you. Tomorrow we can go shopping and you can get whatever you'd like and spend as much as you'd like." He continued.

  Oh I was definitely going to test that theory. If he wanted to keep me here against my will then I was going to make sure he regretted it by bleeding his bank account dry. I wouldn't be touching anything because this wasn't and will never be my home, but I was going to spoil myself with clothes, makeup and jewelry. He grabbed my hand taking me upstairs to a huge bedroom that I instantly knew was his.

  There were light gray curtains that hung from the ceiling before stopping above the floor. In the middle of the room was a black, gray and white king size bed with twin nightstands aligned on both sides of it; and behind the black bedframe it had a mirror that ran along the sides of the wall reflecting the dark gray walls that lead to two double doors which I'm guessing is the closet. His room really reflected his character perfectly.

  "Welcome home Mate." He smiled as he bent down to kiss my forehead. "I want to take a shower." I told him, not entertaining what he had said. "Well the bathroom is behind that door over there." he said pointing to the door.

  "Thanks, and I'm going to need some clothes, so can we go to my house to pick some up?" I asked. "There's no need, especially when I have clothes that you can use, but me personally, I'd rather you go without." He said with a smile.

  I rolled my eyes and attempted to snatch my hand out of his, but his grip on it tightened significantly. "The next time you roll your eyes at me I'm going to make them roll in a different way. If you really need clothes so badly you can just use mine. I have shirts that you can wear, what's mine is yours after all." He said with that annoying smile of his.

  "Okay, but what about underwear and pants?" I asked. "My shirts will probably stop above your knees, so go take your shower and I'll leave them out for you on the bed." He basically demanded.

  "Okay." I said suppressing the urge to roll my eyes, not wanting to upset him with a smart remark as I went into the bathroom and closed the door. I started the shower setting it on the hottest setting as I started to silently cry getting in. I saw two sets of dove body wash, olaplex shampoo, and dove sugar scrubs upon getting in.

  They were my favorite fragrance, which was cucumber. I knew that we didn't have the same taste because he usually smelled of a woodsy fresh scent like after it rained in the forest and I hate to admit it but I did love his smell. I knew that he bought these for me though because they were brand new.

  As the hot water ran over my skin I washed my body with the cucumber dove body wash and I must've zoned out because I heard a knock on the door before I heard it open. 

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