Chapter 14

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Calix Pov:

  What was wrong with her? Mates aren't supposed to act this way and yet here she was looking at me with a look that can only be described as pure animosity. "Whatever." She said as she got up off the couch.

  "I think you've overstayed your welcome again Calix." She said, rolling her eyes. She loved being stubborn and it pissed me off sometimes. Why couldn't she just accept me like any other normal mate?

  I sighed at her snarky remark. That attitude had to go one way or another. Maybe I just needed to fuck it out of her or something. I hummed to myself out loud in thought about her beneath me as I pounded into her relentlessly. I knew to get there that we would have to meet halfway at least, but she wasn't ready for that yet. "The door is right there." She said as she pointed to it like a pup who needed to be put in timeout.

  "I know where the fucking door is Amani, so I don't need to your instructions on how to get there." I said subtly dismissing her previous comment so I could figure out some kind of solution to our problems. Then it hit me as she stood there pointing to the door.

  "I'll be back in three hours. I'm taking you out so dress nice." I told her as I got up to take my leave. "I'm not going anywhere with you." She said confidently lowering her pointed arm to fold it underneath her other one.

  "I wasn't asking." I told her as I gave her a stern look. She scrunched her face in annoyance as she said, "You can kiss my ass Calix. I'm not going." I smiled at her little attempt to piss me off.

  "Don't threaten me with a good time baby. I'll be here at 3 o'clock and if you aren't dressed then... well, I guess you'll find out. As you know I tend to keep my promises." I told her as I stepped a bit closer to her to bend down to kiss her pretty little forehead. She tensed up a bit but didn't move. Good, she's learning.

  I raised up from her forehead looking down at her as she bit her lip. She looked so sexy right now, and I knew I needed to leave before I did something that I'd regret later. I walked to the door and looked back at her as she watched me clearly giving up seeing that she had lost the argument. I let out a little chuckle at the defeated look on her face as I closed the door and headed to my car.

  I heard her curse me out under her breath and normally it would irritate me, but for some reason it made me break into a full on laugh. I got my phone out and called one of my favorite restaurants that I was sure she'd like as I started the car and began to drive. "Hello this is the Brasserie Italian restaurant. How may I help you Alpha Claix?" The worker on the phone that I've come to know as Jade asked.

  "Good afternoon Jade, I'd like to set a 3:30 reservation for my mate and I." I said through the phone as she processed what I said. "Alright, the reservation is set, is there anything else I can do for you sir?" She asked. "No, that will be all, but thank you and I'll see you all at 3:30." I said as I hung up the phone.

  I arrived home a little later after the call, about ten minutes later. I was thinking about texting Amani, but I decided against it knowing full well that It'd irritate her. Even though we got off on the wrong foot today I wanted to make things better between us and make today special for her. We haven't had a proper date yet, so I wanted to change that.

  Two hours had already gone by, so I got one of my suits out of the closet and laid it on my bed to get dressed in it later. I took a cold shower trying not to think about Amani as my dick throbbed in pain remembering the irritated look on her face as she pointed to the front door telling me to get out. I knew I was a sadist, but I never knew I had it this bad.

  The urge to watch her grovel beneath me begging for me to stop was consuming me to my core. Why did she have to have this effect on me? I know my mate has a stronger effect on me because I'm an Alpha, but was it normal for her to consume my thoughts like this? Every time I think about something she's in my thoughts like the plague.

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