Chapter 6

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   I never really liked being wrong but this is one of those times that I wouldn't mind it, in fact I'd welcome it with open arms. I knew what it was, but I just had to find out who even though I had a suspect already. I was 73% sure that it was Calix simply because he had blue eyes and black hair which matched the wolf's perfectly and the timing of our meeting was too much of a coincidence. However they didn't act the same, the wolf was cunning and liked playing games or rather scaring the living shit out of me. Then there is Calix who is sweet and a gentleman at that, so there's no way he's the wolf unless he's putting on an act.

  And if Calix is the wolf and interested in me and wanting to get to know me then he wouldn't try to purposely scare me away..... Right? All this thinking was making me hungry as I remembered Calix's message from earlier and a brilliant idea popped into my head as I sent him a message.

Amani: Do you want to have dinner at my place tonight?

Calix: Amani's homemade cooking? Count me in!

Amani: Great, see you at 7:00 then!

  He didn't ask me where I lived, which was suspicious. Maybe because he'd been here from time to time being a creep by stalking me. A minute later I got another text from Calix.

Calix: What's your address?

  A weird part of me was a little disappointed that he asked for my address, it was probably the delusional part. I texted him my address and began making dinner. I knew werewolves couldn't touch silver so I was for sure going to use my silverware. I also did research on things that were harmful to them such as chocolate; much like a dog.

  So, I made a chocolate cake, spaghetti with diced onions in it with garlic bread and as a side dish fruit salad. Not to brag or anything but I'm pretty good at cooking pretty much anything, which I prided myself on. Deciding that I would dress up a little I put on my pretty cream colored dress and flats. I let my hair down letting it flow to my waist and deciding to keep on the jewelry I had on earlier. I went to the dining/ kitchen as I set the island table and it was now 6:30 which meant he should be pulling up soon. I don't know why but I found trying to expose him was really exciting because I knew it had to be him.

  He may not act like it but the looks are certainly there and I find it odd that he was still single which meant that he had to be putting on a front. No one and I mean no one who has a right mind wouldn't take a chance to jump his bones and you're trying to tell me he's single? Yeah I'm not buying it. He only showed an interest in me because he had been stalking me and playing mind games with me and probably just wanted to get to know his 'prey' more before he killed me or something.

  I feel so stupid for giving him my address now because I didn't even think that far ahead. What if he was a killer or something and I just willingly invited him into my house. I slapped my hand on my face, facepalming myself disappointed with my brain.

  All of a sudden my phone buzzed with my ringtone scaring me out of my thoughts. It was Calix calling and I swiped my finger right answering the call. "Hello." I said.

  "Hey I'll be there in five minutes." He said in his usual captivating deep tone. I looked out the window gazing up at the night sky that harbored a convenient full moon.

  "Alright I'll see you when I get there." He said as he waited for my response. "Okay." I said hanging up. A few minutes later I saw car lights shining through the window indicating that he was here.

  I heard him park his car in the driveway as I went out the door to greet him. Of course he had an expensive looking sleek black car as he got out of it wearing a black button down dress shirt and cream colored pants with black loafers on. He looked divine and I was glad that I decided to change into my flowy cream colored dress, matching with him. He waved his hand at me, signaling me to come over

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