Chapter 4

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  I went upstairs to take my shower as I thought about my meeting in the woods with the wolf earlier. I had so many questions, but I knew they'd never get answered because I'd never be going into those woods again. I turned the water on in the shower setting it to the perfect temperature as I got in and began washing myself. I was in the middle of the shower when I heard howling in the distance and even though it sounded far away it was still really loud. By the sound of it there were multiple causing me to shiver.

  What the fuck? There are more of those things out there? I probably just got lucky when I ran into a nice one, but if it were any of the others would they be so nice? My mind went back to that hiker as his entry settled into my thoughts like white on rice. If what he said about them ignoring him was true then why did that thing chase me?

  Wait a second, how the hell did it know where I lived? Was it because this was one of the only houses out here and it just assumed, or was it something else? Come to think of it, the way it acted was like it could understand me, and It made itself pretty clear on what it wanted me to do. It was very..........human like.

  Could it be that it was part human like a ......werewolf, or was it just really smart? I turned the shower off trying to forget that whole experience as I began humming the song vampire by Olivia Rodrigo. I wrapped a towel around me partly drying off as I went downstairs and stopped at the bottom of the staircase screaming my fucking head off in horror. Why the fuck were my windows open?

  Whoever the hell did this was trying to scare me, but it's my own fault for not checking to make sure I locked everything properly. First it was the big shadow passing by my window a little too close for comfort and now I wanted to call the cops, but it would take them a minute to get here. Oh my God what if it's a poltergeist trying to scare me away or something?

  I went upstairs and searched in every closet and room and nothing which meant that; A: they were waiting to ambush me downstairs, B: they were long gone and wanted to scare me, C: This was a prank and whoever was behind it was sick in the head, and lastly D: it really was a poltergeist after me trying to scare me away. I went back downstairs and looked through everything, but no one was there. I closed the windows and locked them then I went to the kitchen and to my surprise that door was open too. Someone definitely came in here I thought to myself as I locked that door back.

   I went back into the living room and was about to start pacing in panic because what the actual Fuck. I wanted to cry. As I walked past the sofa something caught my eye; It was a note. My heart dropped to my stomach at the sight of it as I went over to it and picked it up unable to stop my hands from shaking as I read through it,

                                                        'Be a good girl and keep your

                                                  Doors and windows locked, Amani.'

  Why couldn't it have been the poltergeist? I looked out the window into the woods in disbelief. This can't be real, this can't be real, this can't be real. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!


   I stomped to the door, unlocked it and whipped it open. I stuck my head out of the door and yelled out into the woods. ""Stay out of my fucking house asshole!" As soon as I finished my sentence the wind, as if possessed by the stupid bastard that entered my home uninvited, blew so hard the shutter hit me in the nose. "Fucking prick!"

  I barely slept because I was so angry that the damn bastard thought that he could come and go into my house as he pleased, but I was even more angry at the fact that I didn't know what it was. I didn't know what I was dealing with and I really didn't want to find out, but then again I am not a coward no matter how much I want to be one my pride won't let me. If he thinks he can just come and go as he pleased in my home he had another thing coming. I dare him to try it again.

  Just because I'm a girl that lives alone he thinks he can take advantage of that, but he's dead wrong. Wolf, werewolf, human, whatever the hell he is, he can bring it the fuck on. My fury has well overtaken my horror at this point, and I have zero tolerance for this little game of his.

  Even though I haven't seen him turn into a human, I'm positive the thing that broke into my house was that wolf. The pawprint at the end of the note was proof enough; It was like he signed his name as if to say 'Yeah I did it, and so what'. I had no idea of how he could make it through the door with his height and width, but call it women's intuition because I know I was right. All this thinking was making me hungry and since I hadn't gone grocery shopping yet I decided to get up from my computer and put some clothes on so I could go.

  I put on some ripped flared bootcut blue jeans and a white square-cut neckline with long sleeves. For my shoes I went with my white high top Steve Maddens' that complimented my shirt and my blue purse that complimented my jeans. I put my hair into a slick back ponytail with a swoop bang, and for jewelry I went with my small gold hoop earrings and gold necklace. I put some clear lip gloss on popping my lips and a little bit of mascara on my lashes making them pop even more.

  I grabbed my keys and went to the driveway unlocking my car as I got into it driving off. When I went into Walmart I always tried to park close, so I wouldn't have to walk far when unloading my groceries, and because the cart area was closer so I wouldn't have to walk far to put my cart up. I went to the bread aisle grabbing the fruit bread I always get then down the aisle to get my Nutella that I often paired it with.

  I got other things as well going down my list I always kept in my notes, because sometimes I can be forgetful and would have to make another trip if I forgot an item. I saw the BBQ twisted lays chips, which is one of my favorite chips, at the top of the shelf, but with my short stature of course I couldn't reach them. Being short does have its shortcomings, I thought to myself deciding to give up on them. I turned around to leave when an arm, a muscular one at that, appeared over my head grabbing the chips I was eyeing.

  "Here." The voice laughed as it handed me the chips from behind me causing me to turn around. His laugh was so crisp it made my stomach flutter with butterflies. "Than-" I cut myself off due to the uncontrollable gasp that left my mouth bringing about embarrassment as my cheeks flushed a pinkish red color.

  Damn he was handsome. He towered over my 5'3 height being at least 6'5. His eyes were that of a clear winter sky and a startlingly icy blue, kind of reminded me of the wolf from last night. He had a sharp ass jawline, thick eyebrows with jet black hair and his muscles were bulging with veins underneath the black T-shirt he had on. Don't look down. Don't look down. Don't look down, I kept telling myself repeatedly trying not to eye fuck him in this store.

  Quickly pulling myself together as best as I could to thank him properly. "Thank you." I said politely as I took the chips from his hand. "Got a name, beautiful?" He asked, smiling at me.

  He had to be doing some type of witchcraft or something because that smile had me tightening my legs in an attempt to stop the waterfall that was gushing from my vagina. "It's Amani, what's yours?" I asked, looking into his eyes trying to keep my composure. "Well, Amani, my name is Calix." The way my name rolled off of his tongue almost had me speaking in tongues

  "Since I got the top shelf covered, how about we grab a bite to eat later and have a little chat about what's on the lower ones?" He asked with a playful tone in his voice, lightening the mood. I couldn't help the giggle that came out of my mouth at his little corny joke. "Sure, is 7:00 a good time?" I asked, my nerves now completely gone.

  "That's perfect." He said as he grinned up at me showing off his perfectly straight white teeth. "Can I have your number, so I can text you the details and get to know you more?" He continued.

  "Why not?" I said, smiling causing his grin to widen. I gave him my phone so he could set up his contact information and I chuckled at him as we exchanged phones.

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