46 - Not Giving Up

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A smile is plastered on my face as we ride back to the fort, I glance lightly over his direction seeing his own lopsided grin and I bite my lips to prevent myself from giggling. My heart felt full, and I never knew it had been empty until now, until he took everything of me and filled it with his warmth.

He casually keeps his chin over my head, a slow hum falls from his mouth while we ride slowly enjoying the view and each other.

We enter from the backside and both of our body tenses when we see a very angry looking man glaring at us- uncle Abhijeet stomps towards us in hard fast steps while we struggle to come down from the horse, even Rajaji misses his steps by few and falters while I hurriedly cover my head with a veil to cover my disheveled hair.

"With whose permission you took my niece so late at night?? And how dare you take her so late at night?" Uncle starts scolding and I steal a glance at Rajaji to see him completely calm.

"Why will I need permission? She is my would be wife." He says and I can see a nerve twitching in uncle's head. He looked so young and yet somehow the anger made him looked so mature. Who would say that uncle Abhijeet was only 10 years elder to me and 4 years elder to Rajaji? He was 32 but looked of my age.

"She is not—yet. It's improper for an unwedded woman to be seen with a man at such late hours. Also where were you and what were you doing to return so late??" He scrunches his nose as he looks between us suspiciously.

I don't dare look at Rajaji because one look would make me loose my composure, the thought of what we just did was enough to make my legs wobble let alone turn my face red, I internally thanked god that it was pitch dark and he couldn't see my beet root red face.

"You want to know our personal affairs now? It's not proper for a king to indulge in other people personal matters ."

"That other people happens to be my niece Rudraansh so cut the chase and answer the damn question ." Uncle hisses in anger and I wanted to interfere but then Rajaji starts speaking calmly.

"I wanted to show her the forest, she has never seen it before up close, also she is been here for weeks now and never went out so I took her close to nature to make her feel better." he says with a stoic expression and I look at Uncle, his eyes softening upon seeing me.

"Are you feeling well Miraadhya?" He asks me with concern and I nod like a lost puppy.

"I made sure she is feeling extremely good, right Miraadhya?" Rajaji asks with a knowing glint in his eyes and I resist the urge to hit him, the smile dared to come on my face but I somehow stopped it and replied with a small yes.

Uncle sighs and turns towards Rajaji,
"Your intention may be right but please don't go out at night, enemies are lurking the territory. You both have to be careful"

"What happened?" Rajaji asks and I see them with worry, what enemies?

"Rudraansh I need to talk to you, come to my office after you make sure to take her towards her chamber— make sure you stay outside of her chamber." he warns and leaves us alone.

Rajaji takes my hand and we walk towards my room.

"What enemies is he talking about?"

"Just in general Miraadhya, what he said was right, during the night time we should be careful but don't worry about it" he says casually but I don't calm down.

"Sleep well okay." he says as he drops me outside my chambers. He gives me a forehead kiss and leaves in hurry, a thought occupied his mind and I look at him with worry. He turns back suddenly and after a moment smiles - his beautiful smile. "I love you" he exclaims and I hear my own laugh. He leaves leaving me with some assurance but the dooming feeling within my heart doesn't disappear.

Miraadhya :The Royal MistressTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon