Chapter 34

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I can't believe I just made out with Katsuki... the boy I've been in love with since I was five years old...

After our heated kiss we just shared it was like we didn't know what to say to each other. The only thing I felt like I could do was smile at him. Though the silence couldn't last long because I was desperately craving something sweet now. It must have been from those 10 minutes we were practically joined as one and all I could smell was Bakugo's sweet caramel scent.

"I think I want something sweet now, is there a place around here?" I asked him finally breaking the silence.

We were back at Bakugo's car for more privacy and we both looked a mess now. Bakugo had lipgloss all over him and his collar wasn't all nice and neat anymore. I on the other hand had messy hair and my lipstick was gone.

"You sure you want to go back out looking like that? For some reason you look like more of a mess than usual," Bakugo said teasing me while smirking.

Yeah I wonder why...

"Just stop you look like your favorite lipgloss brand is (your favorite brand). I feel like I should be asking you where you buy your products," I said teasing him back as I poked his face out of boredom.

He grabbed my hand to stop me from poking him as he glared at me for my comment but immediately turned it back to a neutral facial expression.

"There's a donut place around here, just let me wipe this shit off of my face," Bakugo said as he grabbed a napkin about to wipe off the lipgloss but I stopped him.

He raised an eyebrow up at me confused why I was stopping him as I put on a pouty face.

"Aww no don't wipe it off you look so pretty with my lipgloss," I said teasing him as he just scoffed at me and removed my hand.

Was I wrong?

"Again, you're so weird," Bakugo said as he finally wiped off his face trying to hold back a smile.


After we looked presentable again we found a cute little donut shop and went inside.

"Hi welcome in," the worker behind the counter said.

I looked at the menu and started to reminisce a little.

"Hey Katsuki. Remember when we were younger and how after school we found this guy with a little donut stand selling them for 155.87 yen (one dollar usd)? You wanted to buy me a donut and you guessed right which one would be my favorite. Do you think you can guess right again?" I asked him seeing if he'll remember.

He's not going to remember is he?

"(Your favorite donut flavor)," Bakugo said with no hesitation.

I looked at him surprised that he remembered even after all of this time but I soon turned that into a smile.

"Aww you remember! You're so sweet," I said teasing him as I out of instinct put my arm around him and put my head on his shoulder.

I don't know why I did it and I don't know why Bakugo didn't move me off of him. I could tell though he didn't mind despite the fact that he had on his usual annoyed facial expression.

"Shut up," was all he said as he on instinct put his arm around my waist and moved us closer to the worker behind the counter so we can put in our order.


Bakugo paid for our donuts and I was starting to feel bad because not only that he bought a box of a dozen donuts of my favorite flavor. When he gave it to me he said hopefully this will keep me quiet for once.

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