Chapter 24

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After Sir Nighteye took a break from his paperwork and let Bubblegirl get a break from tickling herself, Sir Nighteye took me to a room that looks like it was meant for training.

It was a small plain looking gym room with typical work out machines, equipment, and a water fountain, but there was only one of each everything.

Maybe this room doesn't have much to it because it's not that in use, I guess Sir Nighteye isn't known for being a training agency.

"Go over there," Sir Nighteye said while pointing at a weight bench.

I walked over there with Sir Nighteye following right behind me.

"We are going to build up to you being able to use your quirk a bit longer, and doing more with it. So let's start easy, you're going to lift 30 pound weights, for two sets of 50 times," Sir Nighteye said seriously.

Is he insane?! Who calls this starting easy?!

I gave him a look of shock as I heard what I have to do.

"Sir.... this is a joke right? I mean... it has to be, you love jokes!.... Right?" I said hoping he didn't mean it.

Sir Nighteye's serious facial expression didn't change which gave me my answer.

Oh no...

"I'm sure you have a good decent physical strength at the moment because your father is Eraserhead. I know he has had to train you even if it's a little, so why should we start small?" Sir Nighteye said while pointing at the bench again, but now more aggressively.

I reluctantly walked over there and laid down on the bench and started lifting the weights.

This is going to be the death of me isn't it? Here I thought it would be from that scam email who said he was a prince and needed money...


I did did two sets of lifting 30 pound weights 50 times, ran on a treadmill for an hour, and did 50 sit ups. I was completely exhausted.

Holy shit.... is this man high or something?! What the hell did he just make me do?! Is he even a real hero?! This isn't normal! He didn't even give me enough notice to hydrate before this!

I was lying on the ground dying of exhaustion when Sir Nighteye walked over and stood over me.

"Get up," he told me.


"Oh... what happened to rest time?" I ask tiredly while refusing to get up.

Sir Nighteye just glared at me.

"I'm not amused, do I have to put you on my laugh machine so I can be amused again?" Sir Nighteye asked seriously, threatening for me to be tickled until I pass out.

Oh hell no!

I immediately got up nervously waiting to see what he wants me to do next.

What will it be now... bungee jump off a high cliff?

There was an mischievous aura coming off of him that got me dreading what's coming.

"If you can hit me once, then you can continue your internship with me, if you can't, this is as far as we go and I'm sending you home with no hesitation," Sir Nighteye told me causing even more sweat to form on my skin.

He's saying that same threat again! I'm pretty sure I've seen somewhere that he can see into the future when I looked more into him.... also I'm completely exhausted... wait a minute... he's trying to set me up!

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