Chapter 29

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We were in the locker rooms changing out of our hero uniforms when I heard a lot of commotion on the other side, the boys side.

I wonder what's going on...

"Girls come here," I heard Jiro whisper as she tried to listen in.

We gathered around her curious about what's happening as well.

"Ugh! He's not only being a pervert, I was the only one's name he didn't mention!" Jiro said angry and hurt.

Oh hell no!

"What did he say about me?" I asked her.

She turned to face me and had an awkward laugh.

"Well he said you have a face that would make anyone want to kiss it... also you have a body that is telling you're all woman... he said even more but I'm going to keep it pg," she said as she had her same awkward facial expression from telling me this.

I walked closer to Jiro so I can move her out of the way. She stepped back on instinct because she felt my rage and it's not even targeted towards her.

When I looked towards the part of the wall that Jiro was looking at I noticed it was the hole I discovered recently. I was upset with myself because I didn't mention it but I didn't think it would be a problem because of how small it is and on their end it's covered by a flyer.

I kept my head in its same position waiting for the flyer to move so I can poke his eyes out but as soon as the flyer moved Mineta was immediately grabbed by his neck and held in the air.

"Ah someone help me! Tell this maniac to put me down!" He yelled as he kicked around his feet unable to get free from his captures grasp.

I don't think there is anyone on their end that would go that far... wait a minute is it-

Mineta's capture turned his body which gave me a good look of who it was.


"No you fucking creep! Now shut the hell up before I pummel you into the ground!" He said fuming with it feeling like steam is coming out of his ears.

Mineta started crying and wailing because his plan has been foiled and by the worst person that could stop him.

"Bakugo please release him! What he did was wrong but the proper thing to do is report him, not choke him! We cannot stoop to his level! Release our classmate this instant!" Iida demanded trying to calm down the situation.

"Reported?! Iida I thought we were pals!" Mineta said with tears coming down his eyes even faster.

Bakugo was still not budging to let him go, his fury wouldn't settle.

"Like hell I will! I'm thirsty for some grape juice!" Bakugo yelled not letting up.

This caused me to chuckle to myself as I was able to see Kaminari walk up to Bakugo.

"Oh let him get his revenge, he just didn't want the little guy getting a free show on his girlfriend," Kaminari said teasing him.

Why Kaminari why?

"You're all traitors to the bro code!" Mineta said still whining.

I was able to see who I believe was Kirishima walk up to Bakugo as well while Kaminari laughed.

"Oh come on Bakugo, I think he has to have learned his lesson by now! Hey Sero, do you mind putting the flyer back up to relief our buddies mind? I'll tell Mr. Aizawa to cover it up later today!" Kirishima said with his cheerful smile.

Bakugo finally and harshly put Mineta back down on the floor who was trying to catch his breath. Sero on the other hand was about to do what was asked of him with ease until he saw my eyeball which freaked him out.


"Sero! Swearing on school grounds or even at any location is not gentleman like! I'm appalled you even thought about doing it! Don't make me wash your mouth out with soap!" Iida scolded as he covered Sero's mouth.

I backed up from the hole in the wall because that was not my intention, even still it made me internally laugh.

"Well covering another man's mouth is also not gentlemen like," I heard Kaminari say

Iida immediately let go and bowed apologetically to Sero.

"My apologies comrade! I did not mean to make you uncomfortable! Or invade your personal space!" Iida said with deep regret.

Sero immediately let him know it was okay because he was worried for Iida's well being. While Sero was trying to get Iida to calm down I saw Bakugo come closer to the hole in the wall cautiously because he didn't want to see anything he wasn't supposed to but presumably because he wanted to see what scared Sero.

I went up closer to it when I saw he was getting closer. I gently waved at him and gave him a warm smile which caused him to roll his eyes.

I moved even closer to the wall and put my hand on it. He did as well not even knowing why, he didn't need to and it's not like him. I was hoping he could feel how grateful I was for what he did, and I believed he could. I could feel he put his hand on the wall too to join me in the energy I wanted to created. Just us two as only our eyes were visible to each other looking into each other's soul trying to explore it, realizing it felt familiar from way back then.

I whispered thank you to him as he finally put the flyer back up because he thought he was staring at the wall too long and he didn't want anyone making any scenarios in their head. It didn't matter what scenario it may be because of how he is feeling right now and he hasn't felt it in a long time.


As I was getting ready to pack up my belongings because school was over I heard footsteps behind me.

It was Todoroki slowly walking up to me with one strap of his book bag hanging on his shoulder.

"Oh, hi Todoroki you're still here?" I asked him as I finished gathering all of my things.

He nodded and had his same neutral facial expression.

"Yeah, I wanted to wait to talk to you alone," he told me which caused me to look confused.

I wonder what this is about...

"What's going on?"

He exhaled as he prepared for what he was about to say. I can tell it's been on his mind for a while and it also looks like something he was nervous about bringing up which seemed to impossible to me considering who he is.

"It's about my dad and how he proposed a quirk marriage to you."

Oh... that... he knows now...


It's time for us to have the talk 😔

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