Chapter 8

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Today is finally the day the sports festival will be in motion!

At the start of class the atmosphere was different because today is the day we'll be judged on how much potential we have as a hero and our determination.

Some of my classmates were tense or nervous while others were excited they'll be able to show off what they can do.

I on the other hand was in between both.

"The U.A.'s sport festival is about to start, its true that joining a famous hero's agency can guard a greater experience in popularity, one chance a year, three chances in a life time, no aspiring hero can afford to miss this festival," explains Aizawa.

I don't know whether I should jump up and down for joy at this or throw up in that trash can over there. But I made it this far so I'm going through with this whether I like it or not!

"That means you better not slack off in your training," Aizawa says while looking at me.

I put a dramatic look of shock and hurt on my face.

Hey why is he targeting me?! What did I do?! This better be for support and not judgment...

"Yes sir!" Yells the whole class.

Some time passed and that class was finally over. I notice Midoriya and quickly catch up to him.

"Hey, the school's given us a little time for sparring to train for the festival before our next class. Do you want to partner up with me?" I ask hoping he'll say yes.

Midoriya looks down before looking at me with apologetic eyes.

"Oh I'm sorry Y/n but I can't, I need to talk to All Might... about something," says Midoriya regrettably.

I give him a look of disappointment but I don't pressure him.

"Oh okay I guess, but why do you need to talk him now? Is everything okay?" I ask curious.

Midoriya face immediately turns from apologetic to nervousness.

"Oh uh yeah everything is fine I swear! Just you know he's my favorite hero! I just want to talk to him as much I can.... Haha...," Midoriya says awkwardly while waving his hands all over the place.

I give him a confused look for how nervous he looked, and he was sweating a little.

I feel like he's hiding something from me...

"I get it theres no worries, you don't have to turn in to a water sprinkler." I tell him trying to calm him down.

Midoriya does a sigh of relief because of how understanding I was which finally calms him down.

"Oh sorry you're right haha! So um anyway, why don't you spar with Kacchan? You're the only one it seems like he tolerates even more than Kirishima. And so quickly too!" Midoriya asks.

I give Midoriya a "really" look then shake my head.

"To be fair I have an advantage, I did know him. But anyway I'll pass, I rather it be a simple spar then a death match. And he'll probably say no by screeching like a banshee, I don't need that right now," I tell him.

Midoriya chuckles a little at my comment.

"Then why don't you train with the others? I'm sure any of them would be happy to train with you!" Midoriya says happily.

Haha, imagine thinking I'm social like that to people i barely just met, that's crazy...

I give him a look of uncertainty and shake my head at him once again.

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