Chapter 15

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Their battle is going to be an intense one isn't it?...

I watched closely trying to predict who I think would win the match.

Todoroki attacked first using an ice attack but Midoriya destroyed it before it could reach him.

As the battle was going on the girls scooted closer to me and had their attention on me.

"Hey Y/n who do you think is going to win?" Asui asked me curiously with her same emotionless expression.

I gave them a quick smile then shrugged because I honestly didn't know.

"Oh I couldn't say... but I'm hoping.... Izuku," I told them.

The girls looked at each other then gave a mischievous smile.

"So you're rooting for Midoriya huh? I haven't heard you cheer for Bakugo yet, aren't they both your dear old friends?" Mina asked teasingly.

I stared at her trying to figure out what she was getting at until Hagakure put her hands on my shoulder.


"I'm so sorry Y/n I didn't mean to scare you! Wow that happens a lot... anyway I just wanted to get to the point! Do you and Bakugo have something going on?" She quietly asked excited.

Why talk about this right now?

I shook my head with a non convincing look to them because I was embarrassed to be talking about this.

"All were saying girl is you guys walked here together earlier, you two talked in private, and you guys had some childhood romance. We forced Midoriya for all of the details, so how can you deny there isn't a-" Hagakure continued to say but got cut off.

"Romance!" Mina said finishing her sentence.

The very least they could do is not talk about this in public, or not talk about this at all...

"Think about it, two old childhood lovers who got separated, but then they meet again, trying to deny those old feelings that's rushing back. It's like the perfect romance novel!" Mina yelled excitedly.

I looked around hoping the others weren't hearing this but I caught some quickly turning their head back to the arena as if they weren't listening.

If Katsuki's listening to this... why is this seating area so small?

I quickly put my finger over Mina's mouth to keep her quiet but I then quickly took it off.

Why did I just do that?

"I'm sorry but after seeing you two come back separately looking sad and angry after you pulled him away to talk we just really wanted to know!" Mina said with apologetic eyes but also still curious.

You guys still can't ask that! Publicly embarrass someone else!

I heard my phone start to ring.

As I was getting up Yaoyorozu put her hand on top of mine and gave an apologetic smile.

"I'm sorry Y/n I'll try to make them not pry again. I should also be telling myself this because I too fell victim," she said now removing her hand.

As I gave her a warm smile and a nod I started walking away to take my call privately. I could still hear the girls voices in the distance.

"I hope she isn't too mad at us," Asui said.

"Aww man because of us they could call of their wedding," Hagakure said upset.

"Wedding?!" I heard Uraraka say embarrassed.

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