Chapter 21

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I finally arrived at Sir Nighteye's hero agency, the place was kind of big and I was having trouble seeing my way through with all of the workers running around.

"Ah!" I yelled as I accidentally tripped over someone's foot but got caught in time by a blonde before I could hit the floor.

He had a huge smile on his face, and one so bright that it would make the sun jealous.

Oh that was close...

"Hey are you okay?! You were really close to making out with the floor!" He said in a happy tone as he helped me stand up straight.

He seems really nice... besides bringing up this embarrassing incident that just happened... please forget it!

"Oh... yeah I'm fine... thank you...," I told him nervously.

He rested his smile and put a confused look on his face, immediately afterwards he examined me up and down.

"Oh I've never seen you around here before! The name is Mirio Togata! It's nice to meet you pretty lady!" Togata said as he held his hand out waiting for me to shake it.

Thank goodness there is someone here who looks close to my age, that really helps... but hands...

I awkwardly shook Togata's hand which caused him to laugh a little under his breath.

"I'm... Y/n Aizawa," I said while giving a small smile.

Togata's eyes turned wide when I said my name.

"Oh yeah, that's right! You're the girl everyone was talking about at school, the pro hero Eraser Head's daughter, and you won second place at the sports festival! I'm surprised there isn't any paparazzi surrounding you," Togata said while laughing.

Oh yeah I definitely wouldn't want that...

"Yeah I know but... I don't mind, I'm actually relieved about that.... Wait did you say at school? You go to my school?" I asked him.

He nodded and put his hands on his hips.

"Yeah! I go to U.A. too! I guess I'm your upperclassman! The school just allowed some of us to go to the heroes we have work studies with! Though out of curiosity if you don't mind me asking, what brings you here? Are you doing an internship with Sir?" Togata asked curiously.

I looked at him wide eyed because he goes to my school then I nodded.

His warm voice eases my nerves, like a lot. He seems like a really good hero... or would make a really good villain...

"I remember when I first did internships, I was crazy nervous! Don't worry though I'm sure Sir will like you, though he isn't that well known for doing internships!" Togata said happily.

That makes sense why Aizawa said this is a special offer...

"Oh well I don't know about that part.... but do you know where he is? I got lost...," I said while scratching the back of my neck.

He nodded and gave a big smile.

"Oh yeah I know where he is, I can show you no problem! Follow me!" Togata said while doing a hand gesture indicating for me to follow him.

Oh ok that's good, I hope he'll stick around me more often... like a personal tour guide or something...

We finally made it to a closed office door, there was noise on the other side of it and I couldn't tell what it was.

What's going on in there... I'm kind of scared to open it...

As I put my hand on the door handle Togata stood in front of me and had a serious look on his face.

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