Chapter 9

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"Everyone get your game faces on!" Iida yellls as he busts through the door.

Believe it that it is! I have to win- no I will win no matter what! Or will I....I'm totally losing first round aren't I...

"Midoriya," Todoroki calls out, interrupting my  conflicting thoughts.

Oh so he can speak... hmm... let me "not" eavesdrop.

Midoriya nervously walks over to Todoroki. The tension in the room was very high.

"From an objective standpoint I think it's fairly clear that I'm stronger than you," says Todoroki nonchalantly.

Well that's rude. There is no way he's going to take that.


Izuku seriously?

I facepalm in disappointment as they continue their talk.

"However, you got All Might in your corner helping you out, I'm not here to pry about what's going on between you two, but know that I'll beat you," Todoroki says now walking away as he didn't create a scene.

I've noticed he's been close with All Might too... lucky... I also want to be close to him...

Everyone is in protest and scolds Todoroki for how cold he was acting towards Midoriya.

"I'm not here to make friends, this isn't a team effort."

Well that makes two of us but you don't see me going around picking on the little guy.

After Midoriya finally stands up for himself and the awkwardness died down I walk over to Todoroki to figure out why he lashed out like that.

No one bullies my little broccoli friend!

As I walked over I noticed a blonde boy staring at me then looking away when I saw him.

Alright Y/n, just ask why he was mean to Izuku then leave.

"Um hey... Todoroki...," I say awkwardly.

Todoroki was in deep thought, he looked up for a second at me, then looked back down and went back to thinking.

"Do you not like Izuku... or feel threatened by him... you were pretty mean... to him," I say as I try to be as calm as possible.

Todoroki sighs out of annoyance and looks at me again.

"Clearly you're not going away, what do you want?" Todoroki asks irritated.

This is why I don't like talking to people.

"Well I want to know why you were being rude... to Izuku," I tell him.

Todoroki sighs even louder this time

Maybe I was wrong about him being able to speak...

"You got a Sinus infection or something?" I ask sarcastically.

Todoroki looks confused for a second then turns back to his same stoic expression.

"No I'm not sick? Anyway why do you care so much about Midoriya?" Todoroki asks.

This boy seems dense... I was clearly being sarcastic...

"Ok then... and I care about him because he's my friend and you were being rude," I tell him.

Todoroki stands up and glares at me with cold eyes.

"That's none of your business new girl," says Todoroki.

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