Chapter 17

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It's time to see if he's going to lie to me or not... because regardless of what he says, what I think is sticking...

"W-well I... i guess it's fine that you know, I can trust you...," Midoriya said now taking a breath.

Oh hes really going to tell me... I honestly expected him to lie...

"Well... you're suspicions are correct.... I... do have All Might's quirk," Midoriya says nervous and quiet so no one can hear him.

I just wouldn't expect a little thing like him to have a quirk like that... and directly from All Might I assume...

"Well you probably don't believe me huh? I know transferring quirks are kind of unheard of...," he said expecting me not to believe him.

"I believe you," I told him instantly.

This surprised him but he easily let it go.

I wonder how he gave it to Izuku though... hmm...

Midoriya noticed my deep thoughts and tried to make me not over think it too much.

"Well please Y/n! Don't... tell anyone. I honestly shouldn't be telling you this... or the other person I told for that matter...," Midoriya said drifting his voice off awkwardly at the end.

The other person he told? Who else would he tell about this?

I looked at Midoriya in confusion which made him give an awkward smile.

"Well uh I kind of told Kacchan awhile ago... hehe, It was worth it, at least I hope it was...," he said anxiously waiting for my response to this.

I facepalmed at what I just learned.

You're going to tell the unhinged man an important secret like this?

"Why would you tell that chihuahua your secret?" I asked in disbelief at him.

He laughed at what I said and gave me a smile.

"Well because I had reasons to tell him...but it wasn't only that, he used to be my friend! That's really important to me!" Midoriya said still smiling widely.

I softened my expression at his words and gave him a gentle smile back.

This little green cinnamon roll... what allows you to be this happy?

"Okay, okay, fine.... I just have one question though...," I told him anxiously wanting to know what I'm about to ask.

Midoriya tilted his head at me and looked confused.

"How did he transfer his quirk to you?"

Midoriya's face turned really flushed and sweat formed over him.

"Oh uh you don't want to know that part! It's not that interesting how I got it!" Midoriya said nervously while lying.

I grinned at him and started poking at him.

I definitely want to know now you little lying green m&m!

"Come on tell me!" I said teasingly as I was chasing Midoriya who was running away from me.

Midoriya wouldn't let up and tried to outrun me, but he couldn't lose me.

"I swear you don't want to know!" Midoriya yelled back at me as I kept following him around.

I kept following him around begging for him to tell me until we officially had to leave the arena.


As I was walking out of the arena Todoroki caught up to me.

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