Chapter 16

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Yamada gave the cue to fight. When he did we stared at each other to see who is going to make the first move.

I don't think it's going to be easy to do my one hit move on him...

All of a sudden Bakugo charged at me and was firing his quirk at me the same time.

"You should've quit! You're going against a real opponent this time!" Bakugo yelled at me.

I ran and avoided his attacks, afterwards I stood there hoping he would use his quirk again.

If he fires his quirk again the smoke won't make him see for a little bit, I know I can outrun it in time and get the jump on him!

Bakugo had his hand up pointing at me as if he would fire his quirk, but he was suspicious.

"What game are you playing?!" Bakugo yelled.

I gave a mischievous smirk and started to charge at him. Like I knew he would, he fired his quirk to keep me at bay.

Great, here's my chance!

I started running even faster and got behind him.

"What the-!" Bakugo said as he noticed I was now behind him.

I grabbed his arm trying to flip him over but he grabbed my other arm.

Wow that's a strong grip...

"No!" I yelled out.

He tried using his quirk on me with his other arm but I swept my legs under his feet causing him to fall down backwards. When I did that I fell down that way too.

Even though I fell down with him I was now pinning him down trying to keep him there with Bakugo struggling a little to get me off.

"Why are you stronger than you look!? Get off me!" Bakugo yelled as he got one of my arms off of him and started getting ready to use his quirk.

Before he could, I grabbed his arm again and faced it towards his way so he can use it on himself.

Bakugo did which earned a grin from me but then somehow he was able to get up even though struggling, I was now on the ground and Bakugo was standing over me.

"You're really pissing me off!" Bakugo yelled now raising his arm up once again ready to use his quirk on me.

Good, now just lose!

"Sorry that was only my intention!" I yelled now using my legs to kick his really hard.

He let out a yelp in pain as I got up now. As he was focused on the new pain I just gave him I punched him in the face hard.

He touched his face and felt a bruise. His face then turned red from anger.

Hah you can't think you're the for sure champion of this festival now!

Bakugo didn't say anything and just stared at me with malice. He then all of a sudden charged at me and pinned me to the ground.

I punched him in the stomach hoping that would be enough for him to get off but it wasn't. All he did was grunt from the pain but didn't budge.

"You're going to have to use that annoying quirk of yours or you're going to lose!" Bakugo yelled as he used his quirk on me.

Wow that really hurts!

"Maybe I will!" I yelled back.

I got my arm up ready to use it but he held it down.

"Like ill make it that easy! You don't get to ditch me and win this! There's no way in hell I'm letting that happen!" Bakugo yelled as he was charging up his quirk.

My Light | Katsuki Bakugo x Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن