Chapter 27

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It was finally time to go back to school after our internships were over. I was the last one in because I was trudging behind, still trying to get used to going back to school.

As I walked in I heard laughter from Kirishima and Sero.

What's going on?

"Oh look Y/n is here, come here, quick!" Sero yelled out to me still laughing.

I walked over and I saw Kirishima and Sero standing side by side, shoulder to shoulder, as if they were waiting to reveal something to me.

"Drumroll please!" Sero said with tears in his eyes as Kirishima did it.

I waited to see what was so funny until they finally moved and showed me what it was.

Oh the horror...

I stared at Bakugo in pure shock and he met me wide eyed as well as I saw his hair was straight, combed down, and swept to the side.

"Don'," Bakugo said seriously to me with bloodlust in his voice.

"O-of course I wouldn't! I k-know how much you like y-your old hair!" I said as I tried to hold back my laughter and tears while trying to keep a straight face.

This is gold.

"Look I just have one question because I feel bad," I told him putting on an apologetic face.

He looked at me and sighed with a still irritated face.

"What?" He asked annoyed.

"Ken have you seen Barbie? I heard she was looking for you," I said as I bursted out laughing and the other two did as well.

"What?!" Bakugo yelled, looking as if he wanted to cause a murder now.

I hurried up and got my phone out and stood next to Bakugo. The other two came over as well.

"Say Barbie let's go party!" I said as I smiled for the camera with Bakugo having the hugest scowl ever.

"Barbie let's go party!" The two boys yelled in unison while Bakugo gave a middle finger as I took the picture.

I'm saving this memory forever.

"I'll kill you!" Bakugo yelled out as he tried to take my phone and his hair turned back to normal.

"Look at his hair!" Kirishima and Sero yelled out as they pointed and still laughed.

I started walking away to Midoriya pretending I couldn't hear Bakugo's threat.

"Sorry I can't hear you!" I yelled out trying to drown him out.

Thats why he didn't face time me those last two days!

I saw Midoriya just observing his classmates as they shared their stories of their internships and waved at him.

"Hey Izuku! How are you doing after your internship? I saw that text you sent me and I got worried. You actually came in contact with the hero killer Stain?" I asked him.

Midoriya nodded at me as he prepared to talk about his encounter.

"Oh yeah! Like I texted you, I'm lucky that Endeavor was there to help us... I don't know what we would've done...," Midoriya said as he looked down on the ground.

Oh little broccoli...

I put my hand on Midoriya's shoulder which took him by surprise.

"You know you can be honest with me right?" I asked him hoping he would.

He started rubbing his arm and gave me a nervous look.

"W-what do you mean? I am being honest I swear!" Midoriya said keeping up the lie.

I gave him a look letting him know I didn't believe him.

He told me about the All Might thing, I want to know about this too. There could be some rig important Stain told them.

"Izuku... I know you were fighting Stain too... I know you all three were...just be honest with me," I said letting him know he can trust me.

Midoriya gave me a confused look and tilted his head at me.

"Why don't you believe me Y/n? I-if I wasn't honest I would tell you the truth later... so how do you know-?!" Midoriya started to say but then got cut off by Kaminari.

Shit I pushed it too much, learn how to just go with the flow next time Y/n!

"You guys over here talking about Stain?" Kaminari asked.

This lead to our other classmates talking about Stain too and checking in on our three classmates who encountered him.

Okay good... just forget what I said...


We were now in All Mights class focusing on rescue training. I was in the second group.

We were watching the first group go and amazed at what they learned. More so Midoriya and let's say a certain someone wasn't too happy about his progress.

Midoriya was propelling himself in the air and jumping from side to side.

Look at my little broccoli go! I'm so proud of you!

I was standing next to Bakugo and he had an intense look on his face.

"Hey, Katsuki, calm down alright? Just learn to be happy for him for once," I told him trying to make him relax.

He kept looking at the screen with a scowl and his eyebrows furrowing deep.

"Like hell I will! Those are my moves! My fucking moves! He got better while I got groomed at that stupid agency!" Bakugo yelled very upset.


I looked at Bakugo and gave him a concerned look.

"You got what?" I asked him hoping that's not what he meant.

He quickly shrugged it off with his still same upset face.

"That's not what I meant!"

Okay thank goodness...

"Anyway I get why you're upset, you don't think you really learned anything, and you also think he is copying your moves, but do you think always getting annoyed at every little thing Izuku does is helpful for anyone? Personally I think he just admires you," I said while giving him a smile.

Bakugo looked at me then quickly looked back at the screen, his intense facial expression relaxed just a little but I know he was still annoyed.

"Like hell I believe that," Bakugo whispered under his breath.

"I can't take you seriously anymore anyway after I know you can pull off looking like Ken. You could play him in a live action Barbie movie," I said chuckling.

"What did you just say?!" Bakugo yelled as I kept chuckling.

Maybe one day they'll be friends again...

The first group's race was finally over with Sero being in first place. Now it was my group's turn with Bakugo, Todoroki, Kaminari, and Jiro.

I saw Aizawa walk up to us because he wanted to see what I learned.

Time to show them what I can do!


Come on Barbie let's go party! Oh oh oh yeah!🎶 Bakugo's new theme song!

Also please don't forget to vote because I appreciate it whenever you do!😁⭐️ also don't be afraid to comment I love your thoughts!😁

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