Chapter 26

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I just awkwardly laughed and scratched the back of my head.

"Oh it's fine, you didn't do it on purpose! Please stop worrying about it... and also don't bring it up anymore," I said whispering the last part.

I want to die...

There was noise coming from the phone which caused sweat starting to form on my skin.

"The fuck?" Bakugo asked which caused me to nervously laugh.

Why me...

"Look it's a long story but it was all accidental, don't make it seem like something it wasn't, even though this does sound sus...," I told him hoping we can move on from this.

This will either weird him out or he'll make fun of me for it... either way I wish I was somebody else right now...

"Oh yeah don't worry! I promise nothing happened between me and your girlfriend, don't be mad at her!" Togata said with a smile still on his face.

Not again... why does everyone think he's my boyfriend?!

"What?!" Bakugo yelled which quickly caused me to push Togata out of the room.

I think it's time for me to call it a night...

"Alright Togata thanks for apologizing, I'll see you tomorrow okay?!" I said as I made him leave the room.

Togata just laughed and waved.

"Of course, and see you later can't wait!" Togata said as he finally left the room.

I think that went well!

I walked back over to my phone which was on my bed and scratched the back of my neck.

"I think I'm going to go... I'll talk to you later," I said quietly because of the awkwardness that was there now.

I just heard a tch noise from my phone.

"Yeah so you can talk to your All Might wannabe boyfriend," Bakugo said which caused me to roll my eyes.

I knew he would make fun of me...

"Yeah that's totally what I'm going to do, I just can't get enough of him!" I said sarcastically.

Bakugo put his middle finger up at me which made me do it back.

"Got anything else I don't know?" Bakugo asked which caused me awkwardly laugh.

Well I definitely don't feel like telling him right now about the whole Endeavor conversation...

"No I don't, and why do you care? You like to gossip and you like to hear gossip, I would totally invite you to a sleepover if I had girl friends," I said teasing him.

Bakugo once again put his middle finger up at me.

"Yeah you totally should! Fuck you," Bakugo said mocking my voice until the last part.

I just laughed at him.

"You really love doing that voice don't you?" I asked him.

"Got a problem with that? It's fucking hilarious."

I smiled, as I was doing that I felt the aura in the room change.

"Just.... focus on yourself tiny, don't already ruin your chance to be a hero.... Who knows, maybe by some miracle, you'll even be a good one," he said adding an insult so he doesn't sound sappy.

I put a fake look of hurt on my face then realized something.

He probably got serious because of Togata... does he really bother him that much? If it's because of what I think it is I'll be happy... but I don't want to risk anything...

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