Lie & Love

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Sneak peek:

I realize he was looking at me,like he wants something from me, from a long time. Instinctively, I moved closer to him, for the first time carresing him, feeling the roughness of his beard against my fingertips.
As my hand brushed against his cheek, Aditya's eyes darkened with desire, mirroring the intensity of my own emotions.

As I rose up on tiptoes, drawn by an irresistible pull, I pressed my lips against his unyielding jawline,

Startled, I pulled away only to find his dark eyes fixed on me, shimmering with delight, as if he was only waiting for me to take this step.

I didn't mean to do it.

But I did.

I erased the line that I draw.

I wasn't supposed to.

But I did.

His grip on my waist was firm, preventing any retreat. His hands settled on my hips, sending shivers down my spine with each touch. And then there was the unmistakable, resolute look in his eyes, as though he had no intention of letting me move.

He took my arms one by one, putting around his neck,

"Don't let go." His voice, a sexy whisper in my ear.

I could feel the heat of his body seeping into mine, as he pulled me closer.

He tilted his head down and pressed his lips to mine, his tongue pushing open my lips,

Spark I was expecting,

But not flames.

My hands moved down from his nap to his shoulder, feeling the strength and power beneath my fingertips.

His one hand slid up, carresing my spine, securing the back of my head.His hand glided up my back, and cupping the base of my head.

Aditya's kiss was a storm, fierce and passionate, threatening to sweep me away in its tumultuous embrace

He pulled me closer with a rumbling noise as his tongue probed mine.

As we finally break apart, my face angled that I can see him perfectly up close. I observed his eyes, not cold, not an ounce of cold right now.

I feel his fingertips graze my temples as he brushes my hair off my forehead to look at me. His hands remain there for what feels like an instant and, at the same time, forever. I blink as I grudgingly remove my hands from his shoulder and bring them, trembling, to my sides, my eyes focusing on his stunning, virile face.

Aditya's kiss was a storm, fierce and passionate, threatening to sweep me away in its tumultuous embrace.

Can I afford to sweep away in this storm?

Chhavi would love to.

But Anika can’t.

“I . . . this can’t happen.”

“It happened. It’s happening. You can’t stop the inevitable.” He said firmly and yet lovingly.

“No. No.”

“Kuhu.” .
His plea was a siren's call, beckoning me to succumb once more. so temting that I wanted to do the kiss all over again and that is why I moved towards the door to my left, going inside and immediately closing the door of the bathroom.

"What's wrong with you?" I challenged my reflection, confronted by a visage adorned with flushed cheeks, disheveled hair, and swollen lips.

"First kiss."

"No. No. It was just a kiss. Nothing more," I reasoned with myself, sternly reminding that emotions were not an option though the echo of his touch still lingered upon my skin.. I can't afford to lose sight of why I'm here, I can't allow myself to be swayed by the allure of fleeting passion.

With every fiber of my being, I fought against the rising tide of desire, anchoring myself to the solemn duty that had brought me here.


So Lie & Love is being published. Join me in the journey of  madness and passion, Journey of deceit and Love.
It's a story that blurs the lines between truth and desire.
And And And I need the help while deciding the Characters playing Aditya and Chhavi.
As you know with S & S, I love to do all this Instagram edits, some known face for the character will be helpful. Suggest me some.

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