Um So. I am not back

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Hi my lovelies. It's been four years. Crazy how time flies since my last update here.

So since I quite literally do not care much to write on Wattpad anymore, I will tell you guys that i was 13 going on 14 when I first started this trilogy.

Yes. 13.

So a lot of the things that are in these series could have been viewed as offensive or just downright cringy and I genuinely apologize for that.

I dont want to make excuses for myself, I hate doing that. So I have been trying to go back and at least tweak some of the most offensive things I find in this book, and I once again apologize for anything that may have offended my readers. I love you from the bottom of my heart for supporting me at such a young age, and I think some of you will be pleased to know that i still write!

But on AO3.

My username is hiiwin if any of you would like to check the stories Ive written there, and even there im just now coming back from a 3 year hiatus. So it's iffy there too oof.

Anyway, thank you again for the overwhelming support I received on this trilogy and thank you for the laughs i got to come back and have after reading my old writing. I cant express how cool it is to see all the love that was given to the work that I now even struggle to read with my own eyes lol.

Youre a beautiful community, and I wouldnt have asked for anything else to grow up with (psst. ill be 20 in two months if that gives you any perspective)

Thank you again my lovlies.  And blessings to you all.


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