Forty Two.

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"Wassup Mr. B" Ja went over and dapped Kane up as they spoke back and forth for a moment.

Jamie had washed her hands and randomly started cutting up the rest of the fruit that was on the counter, something she definitely wasn't doing at first. It was obvious she was doing whatever she could to avoid looking Kane's way, or Tee's for that matter.

Meanwhile, Tee was the most confused in the room. He was trying to figure out how his son knew someone he had prior confrontation with before he was even born, why Jamie immediately started acting different, and why Kane was even there in the first place.

"Where's my daughter?" Kane asked, and Ja pointed in her direction.

"I'm right here pops." India smiled, definitely happy that her dad was able to make it. Out of everyone she invited, she wanted him there the most.

He smiled at her and walked over to where she was sitting "why you don't have a pin on?" he asked noticing everyone else had them on their shirts.

"I still have to go get dressed." She got up and hugged her dad. "I'm about to do that now actually, but you need to put one on." She pointed to the pile of pins that were on the table, watching him grab a blue one.

"Of course you're team boy" Sierra walked up behind them, grabbing a pink pin.

"Hey Si! I was just about to ask where you were." India smiled and hugged her as well.

"You know I wouldn't miss it. You look so pretty and I love your hair."

"Thank you!" India said before turning to Jamie. "Jamie this is Sierra, Sierra this is Jamie."

"Nice to meet you. I'm Ja's mom."

"Oh hii, nice to meet you as well. I'm Kyle's girlfriend."

Jamie gave a small smile before turning around "and this is Tee, Ja's dad."

"Hey, how you doing?" Tee spoke and Sierra spoke back.

She didn't do too much since she knew Kane wasn't too fond of him, but she also wasn't gonna be rude.

"India you got a comb, brush or something?" Sierra asked "I been fighting with my hair all day."

"Yeah, come on. I need to go change anyway."

Sierra followed India upstairs which left Kane, Jamie and Tee all in the kitchen alone. The first bit of silence was louder than ever but Kane being Kane, he made sure he was the first to break it.

"Jamie." Kane turned to acknowledge her for the first time since he'd gotten there.

"Long time no see."

"How you been?" he asked, and before Jamie could answer, Tee stepped in front of her, now face to face with Kane.

"Ain't shit change." Tee stood tall since Kane was as a bit taller than he was.

Kane laughed, keeping his eyes on Tee. "I can tell. Still insecure, trying to control everything she does."

"Never insecure, I just don't trust niggas like you. I knew you wanted her from day one, thats why I cut all that friend shit short."

"I never wanted your girl."

"My wife." Tee corrected him.

"Oh you finally married him?" Kane laughed, glancing up at Jamie before bringing his attention back to Tee. "You do know that if I wanted her, I would've had her right? Shit, if I wanted her I could take her right now."

"Okay that's enough!" Jamie stepped in between them. Tee tried moving her out of the way but was unsuccessful. "No, y'all need to listen! This is not the time or the place. Y'all children are here trying to celebrate a baby and here y'all are creating a problem for no damn reason. It's been over 20 years, there's no way yall should still be at each other."

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