C H A P T E R T H I R T E E N- U N A N S W E R E D T H O U G H T S

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Me: I can't

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Me: I can't.

My heart thunders against my chest and I fight the urge to continue playing the video. I had stopped watching it the moment I realised I had blood dripping down my head, from the exact same spot I had a scar from when I 'fell down the stairs.'

One of the trees close by was hanging off the cliff, its roots barely managing to hold on.

My finger hovered over the play button and I was contemplating whether I should play it or not. If I did, I would finally know the truth about that night but then it would potentially destroy the already ruined relationship I have with my family. If I didn't, I would continue to listen the lies and may endanger myself just by living with these people.

The notification box appeared at the top of the screen.

Devon: Play it.

I had to.

I press the play button and slowly watch the events of that night unfold, watching as I have a small breakdown in the middle of the road before calling someone, and then full on sprinting out of the frame. Devon seems to have put cctv footage together to create a replica of what happened that night since it switched to a different angle of the road, showing that I was running towards the city. For a few seconds I could only see a black screen before it flashed a bright white, fading into the image of a street. It takes me a while to locate myself, but there I am, my back against a car as an older man bites me?

Instinctively, my hand reaches up towards my neck, but there was no scar. Nothing.

I continue to watch the video, the man spits out some sort of metal chip onto the floor before walking up to me. From the angle I'm watching, it looked like he was trying to kiss me, his hands firmly grasping my hair, forcing me to crane my neck up. The video had audio but I had decreased the volume just so I could hear it, but the sound of the gunshot sends shockwaves through me, the loud noise attracting their attention.

My hand shoots towards my mouth as Angelo lowers his gun to his side, subtly reloading it. The guy that tried to kiss me has no reaction to the bullet lodged in his side, instead he began to laugh.

What the fuck am I watching?

"You good?" Verona asks, eyeing me suspiciously.

"Yeah.." I mumble, forcing myself to bite down on my lip so I don't let out a sound.

My eyes scrunched in concentration when the guy pulls me to him, pushing his gun to my temple. I couldn't see if he was close to pulling the trigger as the footage was too pixelated, but I could tell he wasn't afraid to pull it.

I could hear them faintly converse, before one of the men stab some sort of injection into me, moments after I limply fall into the arms of Angelo. With one hand holding my head firmly to his chest, he uses the other to shoot one of the men who were on the guy-who-kissed-me's side. The bullet goes straight through his head, his limp body falling to the ground.

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