C H A P T E R F I V E- C A R S

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It took me a good hour to get ready considering I've never been to a street race so I have no clothes

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It took me a good hour to get ready considering I've never been to a street race so I have no clothes. That was until I remembered that I had a precious Formula 1 Ferrari jacket that was displayed at the back of my closet in a glass case, that jacket means a lot.

Amelia bought it for me for my birthday since she knows I'm a die hard fan for Ferrari, and I still continue to thank God that she's in my life.  I pair it with a black crop top and black cargos, finishing the look off with Nike TC 7900 shoes, my favourite pair of trainers. I put on light makeup and decide to wear silver jewellery instead of gold as it fits more with the vibe of the outfit. And of course, I can't forget my purse. It was a 'boy Chanel Bag' that Tyga got me for my birthday. I'm not sure why it's named that but at least the bag looks nice.

I put all my necessities into it and it was only when I reach for my lipgloss on my vanity that I realise that my phone was ringing.

I recognise the name as Devon's although someone has changed his contact to, 'receding hairline.'

I answer the call and I am met with booming music on the other end, I immediately know the song as 'Sprinter.'

"Val! Where are you I've been waiting outside your gate for like two minutes!" Devon shouts into the mic.

I wince at the loudness before replying to him, "Just a sec! I'll be there in like five minutes?"

I don't give him a chance to reply and cut the phone, stuffing my lipgloss and phone into my handbag and making a beeline for the door. That was until I remembered Hades.

"Shit." I mumble, tossing my bag onto the floor. I go into the separate room dedicated for Hades' exotic and disgusting food, grabbing a poor dead rabbit's body parts with my gloved hands, as well as frozen thawed rats from a separate container and toss it through a glass door, and into the beast's cage. I close the door and make sure to lock it before grabbing my bag and rushing downstairs.

I rush into the tea room, yes a room dedicated to drinking tea, and spot my aunties all huddled together on the couch, immersed in new gossip of the married world.

I ignore the presence of my uncles and my father, briskly walking towards my aunties. Upon hearing footsteps, they turn around.

"Valeria! You're already leaving?" Aunt Nina asked, rising from her seat and making her way towards me. I don't miss the slight confusion dawning on her as she inspects my outfit.

"Grayson wanted the outing to be Formula 1 themed, just don't question it." I peck on both sides of her face and she does the same. Then I repeat the interaction with the other two aunties.

"And where do you think you're off to?" Father's low voice asks, despite being in the far corner of the massive room, I could still clearly hear the authority in his voice.

"None of your goddamn business." Nina whispers, not loud enough for him to hear.

"Out, with a few friends." I keep the conversation short as I rather not interact with the man.

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