C H A P T E R S E V E N- I N J E C T I O N

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"Angelo." The guy greets, tucking his gun back in his waistband. I take a step back, aiming to run away from the whole situation but then I step back into a hard chest and hands clamp over my shoulders. I shudder at the sudden contact.

"Sorry sweetheart, can't risk our princess running away, can we?" The voice taunts, their voice cold and menacing yet playful. I turn around and see a man wearing a ski-mask, and a full three-piece suit. It's only when I take a look around that I see more men dressed exactly the same as him surrounding us, each holding an AK-47. What in the world?

He pushes me back lightly, and I stumble back against the car, forced to watch Angelo and the man who tried to kiss me interact.

"I thought we made it clear we don't want anything to do with your family anymore." Angelo says calmly, glancing back at the bodyguards around him, signaling them to get me.

Thank the heavens, I don't want to be here anymore.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," The guy warns, grabbing my arm harshly and pulling me closer to him, "We both know who has the upper hand here."

"Careful Ezekiel, one eye's scratched, what would you do if history repeats itself?" My brother seems to have hit Ezekiel's nerve, as the man retrieved his gun and pulling me back against his chest, his arm around my waist and trapping my arms, while the other held a gun to my head. Suddenly, everyone on Angelo's side points their gun at the both of us.

Angelo's eyes visibly darken, his head cocking to the side as he glances at Ezekiel's hand wrapped around my waist. Despite having no intentions of trying to be like an elder brother to me, him and my other siblings have always been protective of me. Angelo hates Devon as he thinks that he's trying to get in my pants. To be honest, all my siblings hate all my guy friends, even though they've never voiced their opinions, I myself have already figured that much out just by looking at the way their faces scrunch up in distaste whenever one of the guys come over.

"You're playing a dangerous game, Russian dog."

"You should know I love the thrill then." I can practically hear the smirk he's smirking, his gun pressing further into my head. He surely won't pull the trigger, right? It's only for protection, not the opposite.

I hope.

I'm going to die, aren't I?

I don't know why I left the car, I should've just kept driving until I found my way back home. Now I'm stuck here with an unhinged man and an even more unhinged brother.

I felt him lean down, his hot breath hitting my neck caused me to shiver, "This might hurt."

The sudden sensation of something being stabbed into me completely shut my brain down, and I stood there unmoving as he stuck it deeper and deeper. I couldn't even scream out as he clamped his hand over my mouth, muffling my pleas.

I felt something being injected to me, before the needle was pulled out, releasing more blood that I wished I didn't have to shed.

I couldn't find it in me to scream, it was too tiring. Everything felt so woozy, and my legs started  to feel numb. My eyes were darting in different directions, trying to find some source of light to keep me awake. But everything was black, not a single source of light in sight. It was as if the whole universe had lost its ability to provide light, leaving me frightened by the darkness.

Before my body hit the ground, I felt someone's cold arms wrap around me, saving me from the brutal fall.

If only I could just get one glimpse of that person, just one single glimpse, maybe then I could explain why I felt the life being sucked out of me as soon as I fell into their arms.

Maybe then I could explain....

Maybe then I.....


A/N: so sorry if this was short, this is just a little filler chapter to get us into the plot. This may all be confusing at first but I promise it will make sense in the end. Also I currently have no motivation to continue this as I'm barely getting any reads, maybe I'll be writing drafts but not publishing for a short time.

Any questions? Ask awayyy>>>

Don't forget to vote cuties<33

P.S: Most people I know are suffering with mental illnesses and depression, I just want to say that if you guys ever need any help, don't block yourself away from the world. Communicate with those you love, and if unfortunately you, for any apparent reason that I don't need to know, have no one to turn to, I'm always here🫶🏽

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