Daddy Cop and Daughter Ch. 05-08

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Daddy Cop and Daughter Ch. 05

Friday was a slow day at work; looking at a couple dead end cases trying to find a thread to pull.

At a little after four my cell rang. I saw it was Mac and I perked up from a half sleep state.

"Hey Dad, how's it goin'?"

"Not bad now that I hear your voice. What's up on your end?"

"I'm taking a break. Just two weeks but I'm gonna drive home and see my old man. Matter of fact I'm about fifty miles down the road, out of the city and flying low." Mac laughed, he loved to tell his dad he was doing anything beyond the letter of the law even if it was just speeding.

I groaned, knowing he'd thrown the bait. "Yeah, well I can't fix speeding tickets that far from home so watch yourself."

Mac laughed in response. "So I should be there about five on Saturday. I am going to stop and sleep." He was heading off the 'don't drive too long' speech he knew his dad would serve up next.

At the same time my head was rejoicing at seeing my son it was spinning with how the hell this was going to play out with Jena.

"I'll have steaks ready to grill, along with all your other deprived favorites." Mac could eat more food than any human I'd ever met.

"You're the best dad ever. And I'm gonna hang up before the 'I shouldn't drive and be on my cell at the same time' talk comes."

"You're a pain in the ass you know!" I laughed even as I said it. Giving each other crap was part of our normal routine.

"See you tomorrow, love you."

"Love you." And we hung up.

Guess I've never said but my name is Ryan Jack McNeil, named after my dad. When Mac was born he was tagged to carry on the name. I'd been called Jack my whole life to keep the confusion down between me a Pop. We started calling my son Ryan, but it slipped to Mac around two or three and he refused to answer to anything else by the time he started school.

Now that he was in college and having to sign legal papers now and again he was back to Ryan other than to his family and childhood friends.

About fifteen minutes after Mac called I shut down my computer, threw paper work back in files and stood to leave.

"Early day?" my partner looked up from his monitor.

"Yeah, I'll see ya Monday."

The drive home was by rote with my mind on how this was going to work. Mac rarely if ever got mad about anything so I didn't expect he'd be too pissed that Jena had been with me for six weeks and I hadn't told him. But I expected some hurt feelings. Also I knew we had to get her moved into the guest room to make things look good.

My bedroom had a common wall with Mac's and his had a common wall with Jena's so sneaking around was gonna be out of the question. I laughed out loud thinking of how much noise she made when we were fucking. Okay, I might make a noise or two, but compared to her screaming and yelling I was pretty quiet.

When I turned into the driveway I realized I didn't remember the drive at all and that's a little scary; relying on reflex reaction alone.

Walking into the kitchen I hung my keys on a large replica of a police badge with my number that was a gift from a buddy. When I caught motion in the hall I took a deep breath getting ready to hit Jena with the news that her brother was headed home for a two week visit. No fucking for two weeks, unthinkable!

All thoughts of Mac's visit and its ramifications were swept from my brain. Jena was standing there in a blue business suit, sensible blue heels, with a cream colored blouse that showed no cleavage, a string of pearls and her hair in a French twist.

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