Ravaged in Broad Daylight! At 18! Ch. 04

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While lying in bed the next morning, Mark just couldn't believe it. His mind reeled at what he'd been through. How was it possible that he'd been an innocent virgin just a few days previously, but had now been ravaged by more men than he could count?

What's come over me? Why does that older man have such a hypnotic effect on me? God, what if my parent's ever found out!

During the course of the day, Mark's resolve to never again see the older man eroded, and he kept thinking about the card in his pocket and its instructions. His dick – damnit! – kept getting hard at thinking about God-only-knows what else the older man had planned for Mark.

Well, maybe I'll go. But I'm sure going to do things my way this time!

A few hours later, Mark left his parent's house at precisely ten at night, walked around the block, and met with a waiting black car. Mark entered, and was taken back to the older man's mansion. A butler escorted Mark upstairs, and the older man soon appeared. He gave Mark a kiss, and the young man hungrily responded. Then the older man pulled away, grabbed Mark's hard-on through the denim, and squeezed it.

"Take off your clothes."



"You heard me. I said no."

The older man smiled, and gave Mark a long kiss while grabbing his ass. The man then dragged his beard across Mark's face while roughly pawing the young man's hard cock.

Mark felt powerless.

"Take off your clothes."

And so Mark did as instructed, and stood naked before the older man who remained dressed. Mark longed for the older man to suck his aching erection, but the man instead walked away and pressed a buzzer. A moment later the butler appeared. Shit! And I'm standing here naked with a boner! The butler handed the older man some clothes, and, with a long glance at Mark, departed.

"I suspect he thinks you're quite hot," the man said.

Mark had no idea of how to react.

Then the man approached, handed Mark the clothes, and said: "Put these on."


The older man smiled at Mark, and squeezed his cock hard.

"I said, put these on. You'll make daddy real happy."

Mark again felt powerless, did as instructed, and then walked toward a mirror. He had on a scuffed-up pair of cowboy boots, and very old pair of jeans, and a decades-old flannel shirt torn in several places and missing its buttons. The jeans were skin tight and wholly revealed the outline of Mark's hard dick.

"Turn around."

Mark did as instructed, and was stunned by the sight in the mirror. A good part of one cheek was exposed through the torn, worn jeans.

"Like it?"

"I don't understand."

"You will. Now let's go."

"Outside? In, uh, these?"

"You heard right." The older man said. He then walked over and stuck his tongue into Mark's mouth, and Mark knew he couldn't say no.

They departed, and walked several blocks toward downtown. From behind, Mark heard a few gasps from people. And more than a few cat calls. Then the older man opened a door, and pushed Mark inside.

There were in a bar. Full of men. And it was dark.

The man got Mark a drink and said: "You just stand there. I'll be watching."

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