First Man

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By: Martins

Guys remember the first time they kissed a girl. The memory is usually a vague one as it probably happened so long ago. Guys also remember the first time they had sex with a girl. Often this memory is purposely vague as first time sex was most likely an inexperienced, premature ejaculatory event.

Nevertheless, all guys have experienced these first ever events, admit to them readily and embellish upon the circumstances to others. However, fewer guys have experienced another first time event, almost never admit to it and need not embellish upon the facts because I promise you the event was very intense.

What could this mysterious event be, you ask? Well, guys are intensely sexual creatures. And few heterosexuals will admit their homosexual curiosities, let alone admit to acting on those curiosities. But being sexual creatures, some times you find yourself in the right place, at the right time and magic just happens with someone of the same sex because of this intense male sexuality coupled with those curiosities that many secretly harbor.

My name is Mike and his name was Stan.

We were roommates in college and were just finishing our senior year at the University. Now being college roommates meant we knew each other well and had talked about nearly everything but naturally we had this male ego thing. Because of this macho thing we had going, if Stan had any homosexual curiosity, that's one thing I didn't know about him.

I mean he didn't walk around the dorm naked and he'd make homosexual jokes a lot. It was his thing.

We were athletes and physical education majors. We had plenty of girlfriend practice for sure. So bragging was over girl conquests and the mention of homosexual activity was done to ridicule each other, not something you explored.

Nevertheless, I'll secretly admit I was curious. I even bought a dildo a couple of years earlier and found that masturbating with the dildo up your ass was a great experience although I rarely got to use it because guaranteed privacy in college is hard to come by. And I certainly didn't want Stan to know.

Now I don't know if it was because I had learned in a sociology class the week before that some studies had shown that virtually all males had thought or fantasized about having a same sex experience whether they would openly admit it or not. Or whether it was because Stan and I found ourselves in a hotel room with only one bed that started it my to thinking. Or maybe it was both.

Either way, we were two hundred miles away from the college and going to attend a friends wedding that weekend. The hotel only had a room with a double bed. Stan made some comment at how he had a virgin ass and we'd take the room if I could restrain myself.

Stan was always using homosexual humor. It's why the sociology study kept popping into my mind. Was he homophobic or was it his way of working through his homosexual curiosity? Maybe I was thinking too much, but that course got me thinking about what others true thoughts were deep down.

Now I didn't agree to the weekend in order to test my theory that Stan had hidden desires similar to mine. In fact, it never entered my mind. Until we learned the city where the wedding was being held had little in the form of nightlife, so we were relegated to watching TV in the hotel room. Stan ordering porn on the TV didn't help.

We each took turns in the shower in between porn flicks; mostly, cold showers to cool off. So the last porn flick we watched, we were ready for bed. There we were under the covers in just our underwear. Each of us wore those tight whitey jockey shorts.

We edged to our respective sides of the bed as far as we could as if there was a brick wall between us. The covers were pulled up to our bare chests and naked couples fucked feverishly on the small screen. It was getting dark and the light from the screen flickered about the room.

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