Cara, Daddy, and Uncle Johnny Ch. 03

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"Cara, door!" Uncle Johnny yelled.

He was sitting on the living room couch, watching the end of a football game. It was Sunday night, the game was just finishing up, and he was looking forward to finishing his beer, turning off the TV, and finding his sexy little niece to take to bed. He was leaving for a two-week business trip in the morning, so was spending the night at his brother's house to have one more night with the nubile 18-year-old before his trip. Normally, she'd be curled up on the couch next to him, but Johnny hadn't seen her for a little while.


The doorbell rang again. Wondering what she was up to, he yelled, "Cara, can you get the door, please?"

Bill, his brother and Cara's daddy, yelled back from whatever he was doing in the kitchen, "Can you grab it, Johnny? I think Cara's busy with something."

Letting out a long sigh, Johnny put down his beer on the coffee table and stood up, making his way through the living room to the front entry. His mind on the game in the background, he opened the front door and then stared in surprise at who was on the front porch.

Lit up by the porch light, Cara stood on the front porch, but not as he'd ever seen her before. Her hair was down, framing her face and spilling over her shoulders and the collar of the tan, thigh-length coat she was wearing. The belt was cinched tight and her hands were in her pockets, so all Uncle Johnny could see of Cara's outfit were the smoky, black stockings and five-inch black stiletto heels she was wearing. With her face made up with full makeup, including smoky black eyes and dark red lipstick, Cara looked like an expensive hooker standing in front of her own house.

"Is John here?" Cara asked in a sultry voice to her confused uncle.

"Bill?" Johnny asked. He turned his head back into the house to call for his brother, only to find him in the doorway of the living room holding a video camera, clearly recording, facing the front door.

Cara reached out with one hand and turned her uncle's face back to her.

"You must be John," she said, smiling, putting her hand back in her pocket. "I'm Cara. May I come in?"

Johnny nodded and moved back, holding the door open wide. Cara stepped inside and moved toward the living room, winking at her daddy and the camera as they backed up when she stepped forward. Stopping in the middle of the living room, Cara turned to face her Uncle Johnny, who had closed the front door and was now standing in the doorway of the living room, still looking at her as if he was confused.

"The man who hired me for the night," Cara told her uncle as she untied the belt of her coat and pulled the sides open, "said I was your going-away present."

She let the coat drop to the floor and Johnny, Bill, and the video camera all got a good look at what she was wearing.

The red of her lipstick matched the red of the ribbon and lace on the black corset she had on. The corset made her small waist look tiny, especially when compared to her enormous breasts spilling out of the corset top. Each breath made her nipples play peek-a-boo with the corset cups, and her 34J tits were pushed up almost to her collarbone, forming the deepest cleavage Johnny had ever seen. The corset stopped just below her belly button, leaving her entire pelvic area bare. Freshly shaved bare pussy lips called to Johnny, as he saw she was wearing nothing but those thigh-high smoky black stockings and the stilettos on her bottom half. Turning around to give everyone a good look, they saw that the red ribbon lacing up her corset was tied in a bow at the bottom, right at the small of her back, with the ends of the ribbon tracing over her tight, round, bare ass.

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