Ravaged in Broad Daylight! At 18! Ch. 02

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After the four men left, Mark was too stupefied to move, and just laid on the grass while thinking about how incredible the last twenty-four hours had been.

Just the morning before, he'd been a virgin. Now, he'd had two cocks rammed up his ass, had sucked two cocks, given a hand-job to another man, and received several blow jobs. And as if this wasn't surreal enough, much of this had been immortalized on video.

Mark was terrified by this latter detail. Would the older man use it to blackmail him?

While pondering this terror, he was startled to hear a commanding voice.

"Boy, what in the world to you think you're doing?"

Mark's heart stopped at seeing two policemen standing over him.


The officers looked at the naked young man lying on the grass, and then at each other. Their mouths were open.

Mark was frozen with fear. How would he ever explain being caught butt naked in a public park? He wasn't sure if he should grab his jogging pants, or just stay put, or whatever.

"Bill," one officer said, "I think we got us some kind of pervert. What do you think?"

"Tom, I think you're right."

Shit! Fuck!

"I think we should take him in and book 'em for indecency."

Shit! Fuck!

Mark wanted to speak up, but what could he say? Here he was on a bright sunny day lying stark naked in public – and with two cops towering over him.

"Stand up boy."

Mark managed to speak. "What?"

"I said stand up."

"But, uh, won't people see me? Can I pull on my sweatpants first?"

"Bill, we've got us one argumentative pervert here."

"I can see. Boy! Are you going to do as you're told?"

Mark stood.

The officers slowly walked around him; Mark was mortified. This is so bizarre. I'm fuckin' naked and these two cops are staring at me. Shit! Fuck!

"Bill, he doesn't seem to have any weapons on him. But let's take him in and see if this pervert has a record."

Mark found his voice. "Oh please! Please don't arrest me. My parents will be horrified! And really, I've never done anything like this before. Please just let me go."

The officers looked Mark up and down, and Mark grew even more uncomfortable. I feel so exposed.

"Sorry kid, but you don't seem to realize how serious this is. You can't just be laying around naked in public. Shit, you must have no brains."

Thank God these officers weren't here twenty minutes ago! Mark reeled at the thought of being caught getting fucked and sucked in public.

One officer suddenly snapped a pair of handcuffs on Mark, and pushed him toward the waiting police car, while the other cop picked up Mark's things.

Mark wanted to cry. And – damn! – why wouldn't these cops let him get dressed?

As they approached the car, Mark was surprised at being roughly pushed into the front seat, and then sandwiched between the two officers. What? Mark felt even more naked between the two uniformed cops. The car started, and Mark's mind raced with visions of being hauled into jail butt naked! Shit!

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