Daddy Cop and Daughter Ch. 01-04

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Daddy Cop and Daughter Ch. 01

By: Lydie54

It was shortly after 11 a.m. on a Sunday morning. At that time of the day I'd already had my 10 mile run, ate a full breakfast and just gotten out of the shower when I heard the door bell. In another 15 minutes I'd have been engrossed in work files in an attempt to add 2 and 2 and nail the drug dealers we were after.

Feeling naked with just a towel around me I looked through the peep hole to see who might be interrupting my schedule. Looked like it was worth opening the door regardless of how I was dressed, or not dressed. She was tall, blonde and looked damn good.

I'm a cop, have been for 23 years. Started on desk duty, then patrol, then detective and went to vice when my wife took a hike. I always wanted to work vice, but to try and keep peace in the house I held back. At that point she didn't want me dead, not so sure the feeling was the same now. Once she was gone I figured what the hell and was living my dream now.

When Helen left she took the kids, Jena was 10 and Mac was 12. Mac ran away from home, his mother's home that is, and showed up on my door step. When that happened 4 times in 3 years (the last time he covered almost two thousand miles to get to me) the judge finally granted me full custody of him. Jena stayed with her mom. Being that far away and a single dad already I figured she was better off where she was.

I held firm to the towel and opened the door far enough to get a better look at Miss Sex Bomb.

"Yeah?" I was looking into the sun and squinting. Over the years I'd developed the skill of nailing someone's height and weight within a half inch and about 3 pounds. This chick was 5'8" and 120 beautifully stacked pounds; looked like about ten of those pounds were stuffed into a bra that was pushing her tits out the top of a fire engine red tank top.

Her smile was brighter than the sun, her lipstick matching the red in her top. I was having a hard time getting my eyes to move from those round globes on her chest up to her face.

In retrospect it's hard to believe it took me even three seconds to know who she was.

"Oh, my God, Jena?"

"Hi Daddy."

I reached for her pulling her into the house grabbing her in a bear hug.

Her arms went around my neck pressing her whole body into me. I finally pushed at her shoulders to get another look at her face. When she stepped back the damn towel fell to the floor.

"Oops" she giggled at my naked body.

"Fuck. Oh sorry. Shit." I bent to pick up the towel rewrapping myself in it.

"Come on in, let me get some pants."

Worse than exposing myself I had half a hard on from looking at those tits. Now I felt like a total perv since I was ogling my own daughter.

Jena went to the living room and I headed for the bedroom. I pulled on some gym shorts and a T-shirt, ran a hand through my wet hair and headed back to see my daughter.

In the 13 years since Helen had left with her I'd seen her twice. The rest of our contact was just phone calls, Face book and promises to visit. The visits never happened, thanks mainly to Helen's conniving ways. Time just slipped by and here we were face to face.

"You look really good." She looked at my crotch when she said it and then laughed. God she was a beauty.

"You look damn good yourself," my eyes again on those tits. Her skirt was about two inches below her hips. Sitting with her long legs crossed hiked it up even higher.

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