Chapter Twenty-Three.

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I didn't believe in love.

You couldn't see it, you couldn't touch it, rarely when you felt it, would it last. It wasn't real. Yet it's what everyone wants.

It's sold only basically every holiday as some amazing thing, but the second you experience it for yourself, it's just horrible. You lose all your friends, you find new insecurities, you stop going out, you yell more often than not, you turn into an ugly version of yourself.

And as the door to Cameron's house opened in front of me, I nearly instantly broke into tears, managing to hold them back as I brought my arms over his shoulders. "Ugh, thank you so much for letting me come over... I know it's late, but I didn't want to go back to the dorm and the party I was at was exhausting." I spoke against his neck, fighting the idea of telling him everything that happened...

"My pleasure, Ema," He sounded so gentle, "is everything alright?" Cameron brought his arms around me and I leaned further into him, stepping forward into the hallway.

"Mhm... I'm just overwhelmed, you know? And I really wanted to see you... were you going to sleep? I wouldn't want to keep you up." I closed my eyes as I kept my arms around him, a heat spreading up my spine from the feeling of his hands tightening at my waist.

"I don't mind. Come inside, I'll make you some tea." Cameron kissed my cheek softly, and I took his hand as we walked to the kitchen.

"Thank you... You're amazing, did I mention that?" I chuckled, lifting his knuckles against my lips as I leaned into him. "I really got lucky... Didn't I?" I was ruining my life.

"I would say I am." He grinned and I moved to sit on the counter, "what kind of party was this?" I watched as Cameron put the kettle on the stove.

"Uh... just like a fun weekend party, I think. A lot of the school was there, and they were playing all sorts of games. I had a bit to drink, but don't worry, I'm not drunk now..." I stared up at the ceiling, a knot tying repeatedly every time I so much as thought about kissing Skyler...

"Well, I'd offer but drinking so much two weekends in a row is excessive." He turned with a smile and I nodded in agreement, "say, what kind of parties do you enjoy?"

"In all honesty, I don't really enjoy any. I like to go for the music and stuff, but drinking is just kinda a habit when I'm not comfortable there. I love live music, but I'm not very good at socializing." I gave my best smile, extending my hand for him to come closer. "What about you?"

"Entirely the same, yet I do hope I am decent at socializing." He took my hand, and after kissing it softly, I pulled him closer.

"You're amazing at it, from a students perspective, at least." I rested my head against his shoulder, breathing against his neck. "A lot of your students there were going off about how hot you were, too." I had no right to be jealous.

"Aw, how sweet. It is such a shame I'm taken." I leaned back at his comment, a blush overcoming me at his wink.

"Ahhh, I love when you say things like that..." I smiled against his lips as my hand ran through his soft hair. "And I like that it's just between us." It made it so there was less room for someone to ruin it... Yet it seemed like I had a higher chance of doing that more than anyone else.

"Simple and fun, isn't it." Before I could agree with him, I froze at the feeling of his hand moving underneath my shirt, a shiver spreading up my waist when my body didn't know if it tickled or if it was cold.

"Hey- hey," I laughed lightly as I folded over, "shouldn't you be getting ready to sleep? I don't think I'm helping very much with that." My teeth dug into my lip at the feeling of his hand moving up my side.

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