Chapter Twenty.

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 "That was an extremely depressing song." I glanced at Jane who was writing fervently.

"I am extremely heartbroken." He mumbled, and I looked away in guilt that Heidi seemed to like me and not the man she was supposed to love or the one pining for her.

"Still? I think you need to focus on something else..."

"But this is a good song, correct? It's just sad, I'm making good music off of this at least."

I sighed, leaning over his shoulder to watch him add or erase lyrics, "yeah... but maybe try a happy one?"

"I will, I will. I already have an idea for one." He gestured to the pages next to him, which I picked up to read.

"Oh, good." I patted his shoulder, "up to go enjoy some jazz one of these nights?"

"Mhm, this weekend is best for me, I don't have anything going on." Jane lifted his head to look at me.

"Sounds good. I'm off then, I have a pile of papers to write." I walked to the door, "see you soon, and feel better soon, Jane."

"Thank you, I will. Have a good rest of your day!" He waved, and I nodded. I knew it wasn't just the disappointment of his ideal woman not liking him back and being taken that was affecting him, he normally got distant when his parents or grandparents 'checked in,' being as they only did so when they needed something from him or his aunt, who basically raised him. As far as parents went, Jane had gotten the most emotionally manipulative ones I had ever known.

Picking up some takeout on my way to my dorm I almost slapped myself when I got an extra container of spicy noodles, though I accepted the fact I was going to be oddly nice at times to Ema. I would accept being bipolar any day over having feelings.

Stepping inside the dorm I was surprised at how silent it was inside, looking inside the bathroom to find Ema wasn't here, odd. But I didn't linger on it as I ate while studying, until the clock hit 8:00pm. Then I stared at my phone, wondering whether to text him or not, running a stressed hand through my hair so many times I had a new hairstyle.

What, in god's name, was wrong with me.

But as I reached for my phone the door swung open, causing me to jump more than my pride would admit to care, Heidi storming inside ranting to- Ema? It was so fast I didn't catch a word, though she paused when she saw me.

"... He isn't here."

"Huh? Is he in the shower?" She looked inside the bathroom before I could even answer, stepping back to stare at me awkwardly when he wasn't there. "Soo, where is he?"

"No clue, he left this morning to see a friend and hasn't come back." My worry spiked that even Heidi didn't know where he was.

"Huh... Did he say where he was going?" She sat at the foot of Ema's bed, looking at me closely, "his moms or something?"

"Mm, perhaps? He only said he was going out with a friend." I sighed, "has he not been answering your texts?"

"Uh, the last time he texted me was at like 5:30. And friend? Ohh, maybe he's with Jane?" She lifted her phone but I shook my head.

"Jane hasn't been feeling the best so he isn't socializing. Not to mention I was just with him." I rubbed my face.

"Well, that's interesting, the three of us are the only people I could think of.. Oh well! How are you?" She beamed and I made a face.

"Tired. Yourself?" I leaned back in my chair.

"The same. I cut up all my fingers during practice. And I wanted to talk to Ema about it- but if you want me to leave, I can?" She blinked, standing up, "oh! Or, we can stay up until he comes back!"

The Last ArchitectsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz