Chapter Sixteen.

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The looks others gave us were indeed comical when we presented our design, concern painted on all of their faces as we set up the slides, and admittedly, we looked like a rugged pair; broken nose, bruising face, scratched up, covered in bandages... Even Mr. Whites stared at us with worry. And it felt good knowing he saw the results of his actions.

Though the presentation itself went smoothly, and after, Ema and I sat on the same bench, keeping the paintings and bags between us to watch the rest, and as I studied every other... I knew ours was superior. Leaning back with a grin as I assessed one stupid design that just seemed like all the rest, though I stole a glance in Ema's direction, his tired eyes holding happiness as he came to the same realization as me, though when he looked at me slightly, I blinked and turned my gaze back to the front of the classroom, trying to ignore the sudden pounding in my chest.

I had to just be physically lonely. Or something. I had never felt attraction to men before, so why would it just start now. It made no sense... It didn't help that I lived with him either, I felt like some gross pervert, even if I wasn't.

Once class ended, Mr. Whites called Ema and I to his desk, looking up at us once we stood on either side to avoid standing close to each other. "You two did very well, exceptionally. Your design could even be sold off or worked with in an actual company. I want you both to consider the possibility that you two could use each other's extreme views as stepping stones to make a name for yourselves- ah!" He lifted a hand when I opened my mouth, "think it over. Alone, you two fail greatly in your weaknesses, but together, well, this beautiful and sufficient building came to life. Please, think it over." He dismissed us with a wave and I turned after a moment, walking out as I thought over what our professor had said.

I only walked faster when I heard Ema behind me, yet I surprised myself when I turned around, looking down at him, "... Thanks for having the paintings done... and the online sketches..." I murmured, avoiding his dumb pretty eyes.

Though when he smiled brightly, looking teary eyed I paused. "Thank you, too! Ugh, now we can be happy it's-, Heidi!!" He rushed past me to Heidi, hugging her tightly, as tightly as my chest had felt at his smile. Fuck me.

I needed to get myself sorted out soon, but I wasn't going to be a shit person and date someone to distract myself from these- these stupid emotions. I just clearly needed some physical touch. That was all.

Walking past them, I gave Heidi a smile as a greeting, directing myself to the dorms. I did have class after this... I just had to leave the project there, it wasn't far. And I also needed to collect my head.

. . .

What I hadn't expected was to be subtly flirted with that night by Heidi, while Ema focused on some project. This truly confused me. Was she not dating Ema? Could he not see this?

"Are you staying the night again?" I stretched, glancing at my watch.

"Why? Want me to?" No, stop this. You are dating the man behind you.

"That's up to Ema, no? I am just the roommate." I leaned back in my chair, watching her roll around Ema's bed, which admittedly was rather amusing, or I was just too tired to really have any sort of humor.

"My roommate is with her boyfriend, so I guess so..." She groaned and I was confused even further. My gaze moved to Ema, who stood, looking at the bouquet of flowers.

"You can spend the night, but he hasn't been sleeping much so you just have to be quiet." He sighed, getting a small box from his bag and setting it down on my desk, which I stared at for a solid minute.

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