Chapter Four.

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"No, I don't think you get it, Skyler. She's exactly what I dreamed of since I was like 10. I swear." Jane shook my shoulders, catching my glasses swiftly when they fell.

"Really?" I looked back at the door, they had left too fast for me to get a proper look at the female friend of Ema, but her hair color did match what Jane had ranted on loving.

"Yes! She's cute, she's funny, she's-"

"You've just met her, calm down." I chuckled, "do you think she likes you back?"

"She kissed my cheek. I hope so. I- I'll-" I laughed as he grasped for words, running a hand through his hair as he went wordless.

"Ok, ok. For you, I'll set aside my growing hatred for mister blondie and ask if she'd like to hang out with you. One on one." I patted his head, accepting the tight hug he gave me in return.

"Thank you! You are the best!" He beamed, taking a deep breath. "She's also stud-"

"Shh. You will rant to me about her when you two are dating. And that will be enough of a headache. For now, let me enjoy you being single and not in la-la land."

"Ah... so cold." He smiled, "how's it going with your roommate?"

"Bad. But the department of the dorms is looking into a room change and will get back to me tomorrow. Hopefully, with good news."

"Ema really isn't that bad though. He's pretty easy going so far?"

"He's a two faced bitch then, because he slammed the bathroom door in my face." I scoffed, and he made a face.


. . .

I didn't actually feel too safe sleeping in the same room as Ema, not after he proved to be the person to throw the first punch. So after making sure he didn't have any oddly sharp objects close to him I let myself rest. Purposely having come back late so as not to have to speak to him, I glanced at my phone;

'Goodnight, my son.'

'How have you been?'

'I hope to visit soon. It has been a while since we've seen each other. When would a good time for you be?'

I didn't know what to feel about my father's sudden interest in my life, it was nice but suspicious at the same time. He had never been completely out of my life but ever since Cameron had decided to become an artist my father had shown more interest in me.

Giving a simple reply I wanted to just shut my phone off and sleep but the many texts from my mother and Cameron kept me up a bit longer, and I fell asleep with the phone on my face.

Which wasn't the most ideal to wake up to... along with the loud music from Ema's side of the room. Turning slowly to face him, I fumbled to find my glasses, shamefully being as blind as a bat without them.

"Lower the volume, please." I groaned, covering my head with a pillow.

"It's 7:30. Mathematics starts at 8:00. Unless you plan on going looking as bad as you did yesterday, you should already be awake." What?! I glanced at my phone, cursing in any language I could think of as I rushed past him to get ready, catching myself on the wall when I stumbled over his stupid boxes. "Oh, bravo. You're amazing, Skyler." I wanted to throw him out the window.

"I'll burn your idiotic amount of boxes if this mess continues." I turned on the shower, locking the door to the bathroom, rushing the process of getting ready, which already wasn't a peaceful way to start the morning, but when Ema began to pound on the door I took a shaky breath to control my temper.

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