Chapter Twenty-One.

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 I had never woken up beside someone before... at least, not romantically. And as I walked back in the early morning, all I could remember was him.

Camerons arms, wrapped around my waist, his breath against my neck, the deepness of his morning rasp when he asked if I was awake.

I didn't want to leave. But I knew I had to. And I was even more nervous to see him in class in just a few hours, having to pretend like that morning didn't exist. Curious if he would still look at me like I wasn't just any other student there...

"Mornin-," I froze at the sight that greeted me the moment our front door opened. Skyler, sprawled out on my bed, shirtless, his hair a mess and his arm draped over his eyes to block out the sunlight. Then Heidi, who wasn't much of a sight, either, tangled in Skylers sheets with nothing but a bra, snoring face down into the pillows.

What the fuck?

I was genuinely lost at what could have transpired between such a random pair. But remembering the amount of times Heidi had begged me to set her up with Skyler, I started to grow nauseous. Not that I had the right. They would be an extremely attractive couple... But something in me, and me walking to the desk by Skylers head, dropping the needle down on a record for it to play at the volume I'd be accustomed to only yesterday.

"If you don't wake up right now, I'm throwing all your shit in the pond in ten minutes." I didn't care for whispering as I leaned down to Skyler's ear. I knew Heidi was a lost cause after seeing the bottle of vodka on his desk, but for him to have the audacity to fool around in not only our dorm, but my bed. I didn't even want to touch anything. "As of now!"

I stared in unfathomable surprise at his audacity to not only groan, but move my blankets over his head as he turned away from me.

And I could've been the bigger person, but I couldn't not take a picture for blackmail before climbing onto my bed with a deep breath, stepping over him to lean my back against the wall. And after making sure there were no pillows on the floor to brace his fall, I slid down, using all my strength to send him rolling off the mattress and onto the hardwood.

His yell was a lot more satisfying than when he'd ignored me. But when Skyler grabbed my leg, as well as the comforter to stop himself right before he hit the ground, I felt a light panic at the firmness of his grip. "What the fuck?" His voice was beyond raspy as he sat up, looking disoriented. "... You're back. Fucker, you know how worried we were?" Yeah... sure... Because that was believable. I tensed when after he let me go, he leaned forward with an extreme closeness that took way too long for me to notice was because of the lack of his glasses. "Did som' happen?" His eyes narrowed and mine did the same, but when he began to shake me, I pulled myself out of his grip, standing quickly.

I would've rather heard anything but 'We were so worried.' "...Nothing happened. I'm fine. I'm just here to get changed." I turned away from him, not having the right to be jealous, as she technically wasn't my girlfriend... But I was definitely annoyed. "Wash my sheets. I'm not touching that bed until then." I took up a change of clothes as I walked to the bathroom.

"... To clarify," I didn't want to hear a single word from him... "we didn't do anything nefarious."

My eyes rolled back till I nearly got a headache as I got undressed. "I don't want to know. I'm going to be late for class, just clean up..." I fixed my hair in the mirror before walking out, not bringing myself to look at him as I opened the door. "It's your business. But taking it into my bed is just rude."

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