Chapter Twelve.

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 I did not expect walking out to be greeted by Heidi, who was standing in the hallway, staring at me and for good reason since I was shirtless and only had the towel around my waist since I was expecting Ema to be in his own world once the jazz had been put on.

"Pardon. I wasn't aware Ema was having company over..." I adjusted my glasses, unsure on how to pass her as she stood directly in the center of the path, though when I made that clear she blinked, grinning and leaning closer to kiss my cheek, giving a small wave after.

"Nice to meet you better! I'm Heidi! I've seen you before, but we never introduced." She looked back at Ema's section sourly before walking into it to fall into Ema's bed. "You're the one he hates, yes?"

"Yes. Mutual hatred." I walked into my own section, beginning to pick out my sleep wear. "Skyler." I called over the wall.

"Oh, how American!-,"

"Can she spend the night? I know I made that rule, but her roommate kicked her out to sleep with her boyfriend." Ema tapped on the wall.

"Yes! Can I? I promise we won't have sex!" Heidi burst out laughing before it was muffled after a scuffle.

"... Yeah, I guess. As long as there isn't any funny business." I sat at my desk once I had pulled on a shirt and pants, Heidi only laughing harder, after a moment knocking on the wall repeatedly.

"Hello, question for the mural hater." She finally stopped knocking.

"Yes?" I raised a brow, was Ema really that bad at entertaining his own girlfriend?

"What made you choose architecture instead of modeling?" I almost laughed.

"Heidi- you're gonna make it mad." Ema groaned.

"Oh, he's fine, I mean come on, why are architects all hot?"

"Personally, I find that many musicians are, or artists. But that's to personal preference." I thought back on my few past relationships, most having been musicians since Jane hung out with them a lot.

"Ohh, I'm a musician! How old are you?" Heidi seemed to be laying on the ground, knocking lightly on the wall every few seconds.

"I'm 20." I tapped my pencil on the desk, trying to calculate the correct answer to the math problem I was faced with.

"Oh, so the same age as your friend- damn, you must be super smart to be in their same classes." I stopped focusing on them once she seemed to have turned to Ema.

"Or he's just really really stupid? That's always a probability." I rolled my eyes at Ema's comment.

"Seeing how kinda boring he is, it has to be the other way." Heidi moved around, and I let my head fall into my hand, beginning to write the equation out. The structure of Ema and I's project was proving to be a bit more tedious but fun to work out, the structure of the roof having water field energy- I nearly jumped out of my chair when I heard the wall being sawed through, staring at the knife that had gone through the wall.

"What- is going on?" I didn't know how to stop the assault on the wall without hurting myself.

"Ah! Much better. I was told never to have a conversation not seeing someone in the eyes." I stared as she pushed a square out, beaming at me. "Hello, Skyler."

"... Hello, Heidi." I set my pencil down, "Ema... I think your girlfriend is bored." I gave her a friendly smile as I crossed my arms.

"She's just like that" Ema sighed, and I raised a brow.

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