Chapter Nine.

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 "You don't understand what happened, Heidi. He not only tried to drown me, but then pinned me against a tree!"

"You don't have to go over it again. I'm taking it all in!" She shushed me as we walked, tapping her fingers in concentration against her instrument case. "So, what I'm hearing, your really hot roommate and you got into a steamy altercation that landed you with a fever? That seems like a small price to pay,-"

"Heidi! You can't be joking! Ignore how he looks just right now! Can't you see how crazy he is!? Who does that to someone? Let alone a kid. And then he had the audacity to get all flustered as if he isn't always calling me a twink!" I groaned, pulling my hair down into my face.

"...But did you?" I opened my mouth to object but she was quick to cut me off, "ah, ah, ah, before you get all defensive. Maybe you're all worked up cause you find him cute? I mean, it's been forever since you had a,-"

"Shut the hell up." I whispered sharply, clamping my hand over her mouth. "I most certainly do not! How could anyone be attracted to such a- scoundrel! It's like he was made purely to make my life a living hell." I moved my scarf to my mouth. "You're my girlfriend, I'm not looking for a relationship."

"You- ughh, but in America they don't care. You're being a super sex blocker." I choked at her sentence, her accent making it painful to not find the humor.

"...It's cock-blocker. And can't you just be a good girlfriend and not want to date anyone?" I sighed, knowing our arrangement sounded odd, so I tried to keep my voice down. "Now hold my hand."

"Jane said he's going to Sammy's tonight, we haven't been yet and there's a jazz band playing live! He told me to tell you because it seems your sexy roommate isn't going, so it's safe." Her fingers folded through mine, and as we walked through the library, I was surprised to see Professor Rand giving a weekend class to some of the older students.

And as he saw me, I felt disgusted that I was embarrassed to be holding the girl's hand who was supposed to be dating me. "Uh, Yeah. But I can't be out too late because I have to get started on this horrible project." I gave a wave to the Professor as we walked past, and he bowed his head, much to my fluster. But when Heidi planted a kiss against my cheek, I looked at her quickly, wondering if I'd been too obvious.

"You talk about him too much, maybe it will be good for us to go have fun. I've been so bored, Ema." She complained and I turned us both to the exit.

"Yes, I told you yes already, let's go," I looked over my shoulder to see Professor Rand looking at me with a warm smile, and I felt butterflies in my stomach before quickly rushing us out. "He was in the middle of a class, you have to be more quiet..."

"Ohh, shit," Heidi tried to turn back but I pulled her with me.

"Just text me the time, and I'll go." I took a deep breath to stop my imagination.

. . .

It was sick to think of a teacher like that, okay, I know. But it's not like my thoughts dictated everything. He was most definitely straight, you could just see it in the way he held himself or whatever. And even if he didn't include a wife when I asked about his family, I was sure there had to be one.

No man nearing 3o who looked like that was single. So I was just getting my hopes up. Students crushed on teachers all the time. And I'm sure everyone in his class thought the same as me... Hell, he'd probably asked every pretty girl to model for him... It's not like I stuck out that much.

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