Chapter Thirteen.

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What. The. Hell.

My day had been bad enough as it was. Receiving a horrible grade in mathematics, then getting stuck in the rain- seeing not just my project but all my paintings soaked by the open window. I was going to cry. "WHAT DID YOU DO!?" What Skyler had said to me first didn't even register as I ran to my book, already choking up at the blur of colors and ink. "Do you know how much- how much work I put into this!? All of them!"

"I did not leave the window open! That's completely on you! Fucks sake, why are you so dumb." I tensed at the sound of his fist colliding against the cardboard.

"How the hell is it on me!? Absolutely all my shit is ruined! You negligent asshole!" I cried, setting all my things on the floor before looking through the cut-out Heidi had made, a rising anger in my chest. "Fuck you! This shit is important to me! I don't ever leave that stupid thing open because I get cold, and you were here last!!"

"I don't touch that window! You are the only one who does!" He ran a hand through his hair, and I wanted to shave it off, "fuck, I have to redo the entire script and math and oh just fuck you." Skyler began to pace in my direction, and I tried to figure out a way to reach him.

"Fuck me? Clearly you wish! You sick fuck!-" I knew I was right when he went quiet, staring at me as if in shock for calling him out. But before I could even get close to continuing, the sudden sight of his knee raising had me petrified.

Falling back, I brought my hands firmly to my jaw to try and suppress the burning pain spreading across my face, a dizziness and a splitting headache, soon overwhelming me. And I felt like such a bitch for crying. I broke his nose and he didn't cry!

"I do not! Oh- fuck," through the slits in my fingers, I could see when Skyler leaned down, looking through the space in the wall like a jerk. And before I could think clearly, my foot shot up, just missing him, but taking the retarded box wall down in the meantime.

"What was that!?" I did my best to make sure my cries didn't sound too audible, trying to get up as Skyler struggled with the wall. "That hurt! What is wrong with you!?"

"You don't fucking accuse someone of wanting to fuck you. For one, I'm straight! You wish I did." He tried to push the wall up, and as he grew angrier, I pulled it back until it laid flat in the room.

But I didn't wait even a second before storming into 'his side', my hands finding his shirt faster than I thought, the both of us stumbling on the uneven flooring before Skyler fell back, his head nearly slamming into the wall, much to my horror. "Bullshit! How could you say something like that when I'm the one with the girlfriend and you're the one pinning me down every second you get! You should've seen your face! You're a total pervert!" The aching pain still in my jaw was enough to not care when I began to hit him.

"I call bullshit on that! She was so bored, and you look so- you- what the fuck?!" I tried my best not to cry, I did, but with every word that came out of his mouth, and his attempts to take my wrists, I was too overwhelmed to stop. "You gay fuck- stop that!" When Skyler began to hit me back, it was clear he wasn't trying to be so aggressive for once, which had me realizing that neither was I.

Most likely out of pure exhaustion, or lack of adrenaline, or maybe even the headache, I pulled my arms back to myself, covering my head in case he took an asshole punch even though I'd stopped. But at the feeling of my body rising and falling not in sync with my own breath, I froze. If Skyler had said something else, I now had no idea... As I had just become horrifically aware of the fact that there wasn't even an inch of space between us. My chest was pressed against his, my legs on either side of his hips- my hands, flat against his torso while I panted into his shirt. How the fuck did we get here!? If I moved, it would be weirder, as it would imply me noticing... And if I did, it would surely be in a rush to jump out the window.

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