Chapter Fifteen.

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Waking up, I turned on my side as all the memories of last night replayed in my head. And I couldn't help but stare at Skyler's back turned to me, the blankets pulled up as high as they could go over his head... And as I checked the time, it made sense for the lack of sunlight in the room.

So as quietly as I could, I lifted myself out of bed, finding myself stuck staring at the bouquet of flowers on my desk... as well as a thermos and multiple tupperware. I had remembered the medicine vividly, but all that- it had to be for someone else... He couldn't have taken me to the hospital, and had the compassion to do this on top of it...

"God damn you, Skyler." I whispered under my breath as I walked to the bathroom. And I hadn't realized I'd been smiling so much until the sight of my face had me instantly depressed. I looked disgusting!

In my lifetime, I'd already received plenty of crap for how I looked. But as of right now, I would rather look like a girl than an emo. So going into belongings, I ran a line of concealer under my eyes, making sure the door was securely locked so I wouldn't have to hear anything from Skyler before adding anything to my face to make me look less tired.

I wanted to say thank you... But his timer hadn't gone off yet... So instead, I figured an approach he'd appreciate more would be wiser. And in doing so, I took his broken glasses from his desk, looking for the brand and raising a brow when I saw 'Tom-Ford.' Of course, you needed bougie fucking glasses.

I'd text Jane later about the prescription and go find a store after classes. But as of now, I was more so distracted with the guilt I had for missing Cameron's class the previous day.

Sitting down, I admired that he'd asked Heidi for my preferred drink, as I'd been dying of excitement for the holidays only to be able to have it now. And it only gave me more inspiration to write a thank you note, even if the only paper I had left was that of the first sketch we'd done for our presentation.

. . .

"I'm so sorry, Professor! I missed your class yesterday because I was, and am, still not feeling very well, and I-," why did I not wanna blame Skyler..? "I fell down the stairs to my dorm because I was soaking wet, because I got stuck in the rain, and then both my roommate and I's projects got ruined, but I was at the hospital for a good portion of the night, so I stayed up to fix it again- and I know I'm rambling but I don't want you to think I was avoiding this class." I took a deep breath, looking around the empty classroom to avoid eye contact with Cameron.

"Ema, it's alright. This is college, not highschool, I understand." He smiled and I leaned forward in relief that he was so understanding, "are you feeling up to study? Or would you like some rest."

"I really should study... I haven't gotten a lot of sleep but I have a presentation coming up, so it wouldn't be smart to accidentally sleep through it."

"Here, come with me." Before I could ask my question of where we were going, his hand found my shoulder and he began to lead me down the hall. And I was fine with the silence as I was more curious about our destination. And when we stepped into the teachers' lounge, I quickly looked up at Cameron to make sure it was okay for me to be in here.

"Uh- are you sure this is fine?" I took a seat on the couch when his hand pressed down against my shoulder, but when he laid his coat over me, I couldn't stop blushing. "I- I mean- Like- what if another teacher gets upset..?" I needed to compose myself.

"They won't, I have worked charms on those grumpy ones." He gave me a wink, and I hesitated for a moment before leaning forward and moving my arms around his waist. The exhaustion most definitely made me emotional, but I also couldn't ignore how sweet he was being. It was refreshing.

"Thank you, Professor... I really appreciate it." Was I crossing a line..?

"My pleasure, Ema." I went still at the feeling of his hand moving gently over my hair, "I'll check in on you after class, alright?" I looked up at him to catch his smile, and only then did I realize how inappropriate it all was.

"Uh- Yeah! Of course. But don't worry, I'm really fine- to do my own thing." I moved away from him, the smell of his cologne still remaining in the air to an extent I was embarrassed to even breathe.

"Sleep well, Ema." Cameron extended a hand to softly fix my hair, and I watched as he turned and walked to the door, "I'll tell the other teachers that may walk in here, but most have classes."

"...Aha- okay, thank you again! I really don't want to be a burden, so you should get to your class. If anything, I'll have you tutor me on the things I missed." I smiled, unable to keep my eyes open at the feeling of his coat wrapped around me.

"I'll happily do so. Spending time with you is very nice." I watched as he left, falling back into the couch and looking up at the ceiling.

If what I was doing was wrong, he had to know?

. . .

I couldn't think right. As I sat down in the library with Skyler, all I could do was worry if I smelled like my teacher. "I finished the paintings... Do you want to see them?" I finally faced him, taking a deep breath.

"Yeah, I'd like to." He nodded, but I was more so focused on his inability to look me in the eye...

Did I do something?

Lifting the papers from my bag, I unrolled them and handed the sheets to Skyler, leaning against my palm as I watched and waited for him to have a problem with them. "I moved them to a digital format, too, if the teacher plans to project them... Is there anything you want me to change?"

"No... they are great." HUH? I stared as he adjusted his broken glasses, lifting my paintings to get a better look.

"Are you sure? There's nothing wrong with them? Like anything? Are you feeling okay? I have extra medication if you need it?" I moved the back of my hand to his forehead, frowning when there was no increased temperature.

"No, I'm fine, what made you think otherwise?" He had acted like I was the crazy one here, looking at me with skepticism I resented.

"Uh... Nothing, I guess. If you like them, I'm glad! Once we're done with this, we never have to work together again!" I beamed, relaxing in my chair at the thought of no more unprompted injuries.

"That is amazing. I can breathe again." Skyler let out a sharp breath and my eyes rolled back, "Mr. White better not put us together ever again."

"If he does, I'm dropping out of his class." I groaned, getting up from my seat and taking the paintings back from him. "I have a lot of errands to run before the weekend, so I'll probably be back at the dorm late. If that's a problem, I can find somewhere else to go now." I pushed my chair back in.

"As long as you don't walk around like a giant buffoon, I have no issue."

"Hey, you're the fat one, not me." I ran a hand through my hair, ready to just get this presentation over. "And... thank you, Skyler."

When I looked back, he was already facing me, and when it went quiet, he gave a shrug, "let's get a good grade." He stretched and I looked to the floor.

Did he hear me..?

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