Chapter Twenty-Two.

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 By the time someone suggested the game 7 minutes in heaven, Ema and I had drank a bit out of boredom since Jane and Heidi had begun to cuddle up together.

"Want to join?" I stood up from the windowsill, "I don't know the game, but it seems popular."

"It couldn't hurt, I guess... but I don't know how to play, either." He got up to follow me to where the group of people were sitting in a circle. "Do you not like parties?"

"I don't normally go, I prefer studying. Not to sound like a complete nerd." I took a spot by a brunette, saving the spot next to me for Ema.

"You really do-," He laughed, covering his mouth with a hand as he sat, "not that it's a bad thing, but definitely a nerd." He couldn't stop laughing and I raised a brow as he leaned forward to try and hide it.

"How many drinks did you have again?" I poked his side lightly.

He gasped, pushing my hand away as he covered his side, turning to look at me. "Hey!- and like two? Maybe three,- no poking." He narrowed his eyes and I shrugged.

"No promises, that was an amusing reaction." I leaned back as someone I recalled as Quin went around collecting names, writing them down in little strips of paper and placing them in a hat. "Skyler, and this is Ema." I gestured to him, Quin nodding before moving onto the next.

Ema made a face as he mimicked me under his breath, stretching only to slam his elbow into my side. "This seems confusing..."

"... Totally." I draped an arm around him, pulling him closer, to test if he was, indeed, ticklish.

He pulled away quickly, covering his sides protectively. "HEY!- Cut that shit out." He snapped, and I began to chuckle.

"Ema, I just gave you a pat on the back." I grinned at him, beginning to feel more relaxed, and as two names were spoken the crowd burst into cheers and whistles, the two getting up and walking into the closet. "... Ema... we are playing that odd game in the TV shows..." I spoke after realizing what we had gotten ourselves into.

"Wait- HUH? Uhhh, can I not? I'll just watch!" He leaned up, turning a bright red. "I don't even know any of these people."

"... Quin?" I caught his attention, "mind taking us out? We didn't-"

"Nope! You signed up, you stay." He shrugged, "tis' the rules."

"That's se-"

"You signed up, you can always be a bore and not do anything, but your name stays."

I grimaced, leaning back once more. "I guess we will have to tape our mouths."

"Aha, no shit. I'm not kissing a girl." He whispered as he hid his face into his knees, and I choked on my laughter.

"Is anyone here to your liking?" I whispered back, looking over the assortment of men.

I looked down at him when he didn't respond, but the bright blush on his ears was proof enough that there probably was someone. "...No. I'm not that desperate." He hugged his legs tighter to himself, Heidi's laughter reaching my ears and I assumed she had caught sight of us.

"It isn't desperate. It's just hoping you won't get stuck with an ugly person." I rolled my eyes. "You're being dramatic."

"It's not dramatic. You would understand too if you were locked in a room with your non-preferred gender, but you have to pretend like you like them..." He whined. "But if you get locked in a room with a guy, then both end results are exactly the same. You're really enjoying your time in the closet if you can't see how it would be a problem."

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