Chapter Seventeen.

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Walking out of the exhibition, I was admittedly exhausted. But it was easy to overlook after the excitement I still carried with me from seeing not only all the art, but the performance as well. And to have been able to go with Cameron...And after I adjusted my scarf against my mouth, the feeling of my hand brushing against his sent a shock through my body. "Thank you again, for inviting me out, I really did have a great time!"

"As did I, would you be up for a drink?" He gave me a smile and I covered my face with a hand.

"I thought you were against underage drinking?" I couldn't help but grin. "I would like to, yes, if it seems you're dropping some principles, Professor?"

"Would you allow me to?" He tilted his head and I broke off laughing.

"Yes, Professor- I'll let you get me a drink." I couldn't stop, bringing my arms around myself when I began to feel a slight chill. "If I get to pay, since you invited me out."

"No, I'll pay. You're a student." I ignored his light chuckle, deciding that with his point, it was the least I could do.

So, with a deep breath, I took his hand, looking straight so as to not make anything awkward. "Suit yourself, where are you taking me, Professor?"

"How about the Blue Cat, there's a new band playing." He gave a warm smile, "and a promotion, two cocktails for one."

"Well that sounds nice! It's a date, then. If that's okay for me to say..?"

"Fine by me." He laughed and I smiled at the feeling of his hand ever so subtly moving more firmly around mine.

"Aha, that's a relief, I thought I was crazy for a moment..." I let out a held breath, not able to take my eyes off our hands. "I'm relieved..."

"Splendid." Cameron looked at me with a warmth I melted into, "it seems we are on the same page."

"It would seem that way, wouldn't it? I'd like to hang out again this weekend if that's fine with you?" I wasn't ever one for texting or things like that, so having the opportunity to see more of him wasn't such a bad idea...

"I'd love nothing more than to." He nodded and I brought our hands against my collar as we walked, "perhaps a homemade dinner?"

"...That sounds amazing... I've never done that before... What should I bring?" I couldn't say we were dating, that wouldn't be right. Granted, nothing about this was coherently right. I just had to fight with myself about whether I cared or not.

. . .

"I should have credited you for the project we won. You do teach me art, after all." I couldn't stop smiling. He was sitting across from me, but now that I had a cold glass against my palm, I wanted nothing more than to hold his hand.

"Hardly, you're highly talented with or without me." Cameron gave me a smile I couldn't look away from, "you should think of pursuing an art career as well. I think you could excel very well there."

"That's actually what I started as... But my mother made the point that there's very little profit in the career, and I guess I eventually agreed... Though now I can design art for people to live in!"

"That would be very nice! I may commission you then, give you some promotion." Cameron gave a wink and my mind faded off for a moment.

"Uh- aha, I'm hardly that good... But I'll paint something for you any day you want. It would be my pleasure." I rested my chin against my palm, staring into his dark green eyes. "You can draw me something and I'll paint it, how does that sound?"

"That sounds like a wonderful date idea." He grinned and I tapped his leg with my foot.

"I look-," I broke off in a laugh that I failed to hide after his eyes widened. But when Cameron's foot lifted and returned the gesture, I lost every ounce of my vocabulary. "Aha- ah- sorry- I forgot what I was going to say... Did that bother you?"

"Did it bother you?" Cameron tilted his head to the side, and when his foot continued to tap my calf, my teeth grazed my knuckles, and I tried my hardest to suppress the hot feeling spreading in my body.

"No- no! Not at all. I mean, I started it... it seems I just get embarrassed a lot easier. I'm sure you have more experience in such things."

"Well, I am a teacher, I'm sure I can expand to other areas." What the hell?!

"Hah! I'm sure you can! I like to think I'm a good student..." This was wrong. So so wrong. We basically just acknowledged our positions, and still, I couldn't have cared at all. "I really do enjoy this, Cameron... What do you think of another round?"

"Your Czech roots are showing." He laughed and I decided to keep my leg against his, shocked into silence when he dared to rest his hand against my knee "good thing I am Russian. Otherwise I'd be long gone."

"...Ha... Yeah, me too... But I don't have an amazing tolerance. Just, there's no shame if you're having fun, right?" I tapped my foot with a newfound anxiousness towards where his hand stayed. "That is what we're doing, right?"

"Yes, a little fun never hurt anyone." He leaned against his hand, and I knew it was going to be a long night... "wouldn't you agree?"

"Of course. I don't think I would be here if I didn't. As well as the fact that I really enjoy your company, of course. It's nice to know someone from the same place, you know?" I brought the glass to my lips, glancing at him from the brim.

"Completely." he gave a smile that I couldn't help but return, "say, have you ever been to Russia?" I watched closely as he extended a hand to my face, gently tucking my hair back but I couldn't help but lean into his hand.

"Mhm, of course. That's where I met Heidi. But we both went to Slovakia for high school. What city are you from?" I tilted my head, moving my fingers between his when he kept his hand against my cheek.

"Veliky Novgorod, I was born there, raised in Moscow since my father was offered a job opportunity." His hand gently ran across my hair, and I knew I had had a little too much to drink at the sensation just that simple act brought me.

"Aha... that's so nice! You're a very affectionate person, right? I mean, it's clear, but I was curious if it's just with me." Did I sound insecure?

"Yes, just with you." I was more surprised with myself when that simple confirmation had me smiling like a fool, "no one has caught my attention, unlike yourself."

"...I find that hard to believe... I mean, you're incredibly attractive, and I'm sure you know that? You have like twenty students, and a lot of the women are extremely good looking... As well as closer to your age, no? The Principal said I was the youngest in the academy this school year." This was the alcohol talking, I just knew it. "Not that I mind! But I only mean it that I'm surprised that I'm the one with you tonight." I smiled as I looked away towards the band. I didn't believe in love. I never had. He wasn't going to change that, but I couldn't stop myself from feeling nervous that it was just a temporary interest.

"Ema, you are a beautiful person, inside and out. Who wouldn't be immediately drawn in? But I assure you, once you graduate, we can think of something more permanent if that is your concern." I glanced at him from the corner of my eye as he gave me a warm smile, "let us both see how we feel with time, for it would be selfish of me to assume you want anything more than fun."

"...Thank you, Professor." I closed my eyes when I felt them beginning to sting, bringing his knuckles against my lips as I thought about what I was doing. "I really do like you..."

"As do I. Let's make this work with time, yes?" I knew his eyes were on me, but what followed me opening mine was something I was so very embarrassed to accept.

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