“That was brutal of the news reporter” Echo muttered, Omega nodded playing with Rose who cuddled close making Tech smile. 

“Yeah but at least they were honest, you don’t get many of them around here anymore” Fives grunted out, his right hand in a type of fist around his phone. Echo nodded, ignoring his twin. 

“Father, I thought the royals were good people” Omega turned to Hunter who sighed. 

“Who’s been feeding you lies?” Fives snarled, his eyes flickering over to Zara who only raised an eyebrow while Hunter rolled his eyes. 

“Fives!” Echo’s warning tone had Fives shaking his head making eighteen year old Omega very curious. 

“They are, just some have their flaws sweetie and some don’t agree with the royals” Zara explained, Omega nodded moving over to her mother once Tech had taken Rose back. 

“Bullshit” Fives cursed, Tech sighed knowing Fives was in one of his moods again and it seemed like it would take a long time to bring him out of it especially since today was the day of his late partner’s birthday. 

“Fives, I miss him as much as you do but please keep your anger to yourself” Zara warned. 

“Or what?” Fives couldn’t help but challenge. Omega could only look in between her mother and her uncle who was looking more annoyed as time passed. Zara only clenched her teeth as she and Hunter shared a ‘look’. Tech went to say something to calm the situation when the television and lights went off making Rose cry out in fear. In fact all the electrics went off. 

“What the…!” Zara was interrupted by the front door being kicked open. 


Tech gasped, falling to the ground with Rose in his arms who continued to cry into her mother while Echo did as instructed as did Fives who complied without a second thought. Hunter pulled Omega down reassuring her that he would deal with it while Zara remained standing especially when the lights flickered back on. 

“GET DOWN ON THE GROUND!” an officer ordered, Zara never moved, staring at the police almost in a challenging gaze. 

“Mother! Please” Omega cried out, Zara looked down at her daughter and only rolled her eyes as she complied, Hunter eyed her up only for her to wink at him, which had him utterly confused until he caught Fives look, ‘this was a setup’ both of them thought the exact same thing. Silence passed through the room as a few officers walked into the room, some of which Fives and Echo never recognised after they did work for law enforcement in their spare time.

“Faces down on the ground!” one officer ordered, Hunter had no choice but to face the floor while holding his daughter close. Tech remained facing down but kept Rose safe using his body as did Echo while Fives pushed his luck a bit. 

Silence passed through the room as the only sound was breathing and something that almost had Fives yelling ‘I told you so’.

“Zara, it would seem we must move. There’s word that he is back and he is coming after you”

“Let him come, I will only do what I did again in the past to protect myself” 

Hunter frowned hearing his wife. 

“What about these?” 

“What about them, they are just casualties…” Zara muttered, Hunter’s eyes widened while Omega felt tears, “Anyway, he will know loss when he realises that I took his daughter only to raise her myself” Zara’ words had Omega freezing on the spot, her mother…who was not her mother who raised her knew who her actual family was and had denied it this whole time. Hunter went to say something when the click of a gun had him looking up as his chin was grabbed violently. A pistol was placed against head while Omega whimpered in his arms. 

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