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The New King and Queen of Silla

Side story

Tae Pyung immediately carry Eon Jin and ride on a palanquin. "Let's go to the Son's Residence right now..." He said to Man Bok.

"We're heading to the Son's Residence tonight..." Man Bok shouted.

Tae Pyung read again the letter that Eon Jin wrote before she healed Su Jin.

Your Royal Highness,

Sorry for this selfish decision of mine and you can scold me after this. But please do what I am going to tell you to do to save me...

There's a medicine that I made inside my sleeve please let me drink it if I suddenly passed out. And after that, let's go to my house with Physician Kwon and take me to my greenhouse and let me soak to my bath house with full of calia petals on the water. Please make sure there's a plenty of petals inside the water.

Tae Pyung immediately search the medicine on her sleeve. And he immediately put it inside her mouth. He hold her hand and he let out a breath of relief when Eon Jin's body became warmer.

While riding, Eon Jin suddenly wake up but she still feel dizzy and numbness on her body. "Eon Jin..." Tae Pyung said. Eon Jin look at him but she didn't speak.

When they reach place, Tae Pyung immediately carry her and run towards to where the greenhouse is. "Wol Sook help me to put calia flowers on the water. And all of you can wait us here outside." Tae Pyung said.

"Yes,  Your Royal Highness... " They all. Said.

Tae Pyung immediately take off her clothes from her body and he let her soak in the water with him. Eon Jin rested her head on his chest. They stay in the water for almost two hours when Eon Jin open her eyes again.

She smile when she can move her body parts. And she feel that her body has been recharged. "You okay? How your feeling?" Tae Pyung whispered. "You don't have to worry about me... I'm  okay now..." She said. Tae Pyung hug her tightly as he release a breath of relief. "You always make me worried, Eon Jin... Please don't do this again.." He said. "I'm  sorry..." Eon Jin replied.

Tae Pyung help her to lay on her bed inside of Eon Jin's room in Son's Residence. "Why you have to do that? Do you know how risky it is? What if something bad happen to you?" Tae Pyung said. Eon Jin expect this that she will be scolded for sure. "I'm sorry... "Eon Jin said. "But I just learned that if she didn't get treated as soon as possible it will worsen her condition." Eon Jin said. "I know but you don't have to sacrifice yourself just for her..." Tae Pyung said. Eon Jin hold his arms for him to calm down. "I know... I will not do it if I know there's no cure for me if I get paralyze or worse died." Eon Jin said. "I read Halmeoni's diary and I just found out about the medicine that she invented for people like us." Eon Jin said. Tae Pyung look at her with puzzlement, "A medicine?" He said. Eon Jin nodded. "Yes, she invented a medicine before... The one that I told you to give me if I passed out. I made that medicine but she's the one who invented it. But according to Halmeoni,  to make that medicine works better... I need to soak in the water just like what I always did when I healed someone but make sure that's there's a plenty of Calia petals inside and I surround myself with Calia flowers." Eon Jin explained. "But I admit... It's risky to do it because...  She never test it before." Eon Jin said. Tae Pyung let out a deep sigh and hug her. "It's okay... But next time you do that, I will give you a punishment for being a stubborn princess..." He said. "You mean,  Tae Pyung's punishment?" Eon Jin said. Tae Pyung let out a small laugh. "A real punishment, Eon Jin..." He said in a serious tone. "Im sorry... But I swear I will not do that if I know I can't cure myself..." Eon Jin said. Tae Pyung kiss her and she kiss him back. "I love you that's why I'm so scared of losing you..." He whispered. Eon Jin smile.

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